Training week ending July 20-21, 2024

Jul 22, 2024 23:22

Greetings, runners! Please tell us about your past training week and upcoming goals.

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Comments 6

alexanderr July 23 2024, 03:43:43 UTC
Mon 8.1mi (1:41)
Tue 5.3mi (1:05)
Wed 4.5mi (1:01)
Thu 0
Fri 0
Sat 62.9 mi (15:15) Vermont 100k
Sun 0

Total: 80.7 miles

Vermont 100k went very well, considering that it is a hilly course with 9,600 ft of elevation gain and also considering that I had not done any hill training in preparation. On Saturday I ran all runnable (i.e. flat or downhill) sections until the very end and I even raced a bit in the last few miles, passing some people. My overall time, however, is slower than before and also my definitions of "runnable" and "hill" are not what they used to be. To do well in Vermont one needs to be able to run uphill with a decent incline for many hours. And of course the race is in July, so temperatures in the mid-80s during the day are completely normal. West Coast runners complained about high humidity, but to me the air seemed dry. So I guess even without the hills, training in NY in 90+ degrees weather and really high humidity was a good way to prepare for this race.


runhappee July 26 2024, 20:41:23 UTC

Great job! Was this your first ultra?


alexanderr July 30 2024, 04:32:00 UTC
Thank you! No this is not my first, I have run Vermont 100k before, it's a great race.


runhappee July 26 2024, 20:47:23 UTC

So the past week has been nonstop rain here. But Saturday one of the local race companies held an informal 5k with a bunch of the local run clubs and I went to that. Also ended up signing up for the Pack Training Team, which is not a ruck training team like a few people have mistaken it for! It's just a group that trains for races, which this season will be the Norfolk Harbor Half Marathon that I'm doing in November. The week after this coming week will be 16 weeks out, so that's when I personally start training. The team kickoff is August 18th I think.

And I know some people don't consider getting steps in as any kind of actual training, but I am pretty proud I'm on day 29 of at least 10k a day step streak on my Garmin.


alexanderr July 30 2024, 04:36:24 UTC

I agree 100% that steps are important and 10k a day is a great number!

Congrats on joining the training team, it really is a lot easier to run and to train with a group.


runhappee July 30 2024, 12:34:34 UTC

I think that's part of the reason why I haven't done a half in so long. When I first started out on my running journey in 2012, I did it with my best friend. We trained together almost every single day. Then I moved to Virginia Beach, which is about 30 minutes from her without traffic, she stopped running and doing races, and there you go. It was definitely easier sharing that journey with her so hopefully this time around I'll stick with it.. and not get injured!


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