[DC] Flying, now and forever

Oct 08, 2011 11:06

Title: Flying, now and forever
Characters/Pairings: Batman/Robin (Cass, Steph)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Batman and Robin on the town.
Notes: Identity porn meme, for Discowing on Tumblr, who requested Cass!Batman/Steph!Robin. Because there is no legal power to stop me, I am calling this an homage to Batgirl #53. Title from Xandria's Now and Forever.

When she's happy, Robin giggles )

fandom: dc comics, ship: cass/steph, identity issues, robin, batman, fic

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Comments 14

lectoreloise October 8 2011, 18:40:31 UTC
Jesus christ, I did not know I had that kink. Batman Cass is a lovely, lovely image.


runespoor7 October 8 2011, 22:47:20 UTC
It really is, isn't it? Always happy to help people on the path of Batkinks enlightement. Or something like that. :D


irrelevant October 8 2011, 20:42:12 UTC

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who realizes Cass would be Batman, and that the mantle of Batman transcends gender.


runespoor7 October 8 2011, 22:46:00 UTC
Well, tbh I generally think of future!Cass (in the future where Bruce dies for real oh god ;___; as the Bat. Cass and her relationship/interpretation of the Mission transcends gender - and are less mired in personal issues than Bruce's. As Batgirl, she was less girl than Bat, or rather, she was the Bat in the shape of a girl; as the protector of Gotham, without Bruce's Batman around, I think she'd get rid of the "person" aspect of the Bat entirely. She'd be fueled entirely by her ideals and compassion, more so than Bruce.

Though writing this gave me Interrogations about how Batman!Cass would be about Robins, post Steph and/or Damian.


q99 October 9 2011, 02:52:40 UTC
Very good stuff :)


runespoor7 October 9 2011, 11:43:02 UTC
Thank you!


zerrat October 9 2011, 03:11:28 UTC
Wow, thanks for sharing! It was all so vivid and in-character, and I love the fact that Cass took the mantle of Batman completely, and that Steph became her Robin is just brilliant. I never considered that possibility before, now it's certainly my headcanon for some alternate timeline.


runespoor7 October 9 2011, 11:47:10 UTC
It's one of my favourite long-term futures. The roles fit them very well; Steph is a wonderful Robin, and Cass is more than dedicated enough to the Bat to embrace all of it. I always consider Steph as more Cass' Robin than Tim, for all that Cass knew Tim as Robin for much longer than Steph. I'm very glad that you liked it!


kirax2 October 14 2011, 00:10:21 UTC
Oh god, that was wonderful.


runespoor7 October 14 2011, 15:01:14 UTC
Thank youuuuu. ^^


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