[DC] Flying, now and forever

Oct 08, 2011 11:06

Title: Flying, now and forever
Characters/Pairings: Batman/Robin (Cass, Steph)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Batman and Robin on the town.
Notes: Identity porn meme, for Discowing on Tumblr, who requested Cass!Batman/Steph!Robin. Because there is no legal power to stop me, I am calling this an homage to Batgirl #53. Title from Xandria's Now and Forever.

When she's happy, Robin giggles. When she's angry, Robin growls. Both are sounds that have their places, and they're sounds that Batman doesn't need to hear to identity anymore; they're easy to spot, in the shoulders of her partner, in Robin's way of tossing her hair back or of jumping with a grapple line.

It's when they're mixed that they are dangerous.

They are now, when Batman lands silently on the roof, having checked the gang member's ties are secure. Their injuries are painful but not life-threatening.

Robin's hair is far more tousled now than a minute ago, before she came up from the alley. She's passed her gloves in her hair in the time she was waiting for Batman, once, twice. Less growling than giggling, by now.

“Robin,” Batman says.

Robin swirls around. Others startle, when Batman does that, even if they're expecting her. Robin never does.

“What?” she demands, one hand on a cocked hip and the other raised in a small interrogative swish. “Something wrong?”

“You broke his arm. Twice,” Batman points out. And knocked his head against the brick, and bruised his side against the dumpster. The voice is neutral. Not judging. Not life-threatening; just painful.

She tips her head to the side. “Well, maybe he'll think twice about pulling a knife on a kid again, don't you think?” Robin smiles like it's a challenge (it is) and like they're in this together (they are). Allies, complicit, partners.

Batman hums in response, her eyes sliding away from Robin already, to the lights and the shades farther away in the city. She hears Robin stepping closer, like she's dancing, like she's laughing.

A siren screeches close and stops abruptly when a police car stops by the narrow street.

“That was fast,” Robin says, flippant.

“Night route back to HQ after Aparo,” Batman says. Two cars, in fact. A few loud comments echoing the alley as they find Batman and Robin's latest present, and the need for an ambulance. Too much light to make a discreet escape the way Batman intended them to. Should've thought of that.

“That's a lot of people,” Robin notes, glancing down. When she looks back up, her lips part in surprise at Batman's sudden closeness.

Batman doesn't let Robin speak, Robin is always so chatty, before taking her lips in a kiss. Robin's fingers grip the cape, her rougher gloves bunching in the flexible Nomex, and she lets Batman back her against the brick wall without letting go, just making these little muffled sounds Batman can feel in her throat. Robin is all warmth, her tongue flicking and sliding against hers, coaxing small sounds from her throat that get muffled in their joined mouths. Batman's hands - almost - tremble when they find Robin's hips; when Robin gets a leg between Batman's thighs and rocks, Batman has to release her abruptly, or risk biting down on someone's tongue.

She's out of breath. They both are.

Robin looks at her. Batman stills. Then Robin laughs, and tension she didn't know about releases Batman.

Robin lets go of her grip on the cape and pats Batman. “If we're gonna pass the time, let's get this show on the road,” she suggests, grinning.

The red of her lips catches stray flares in the city night, brighter and fiercer than even her lipstick.

When Robin's hands tug at her cape insistently, closer, Batman goes willingly.

fandom: dc comics, ship: cass/steph, identity issues, robin, batman, fic

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