No, no, you're supposed to be humiliated and alone and begging to be allowed to come home and live out your life in shame. C'mon, woman, get with the program! ;)
For all 3 of my pregnancies I only had 2 ultrasounds total so I'm totally jealous about how many ultrasounds you're getting. How exciting to be able to see them that often. WOO HOO!
Were I totally normal girl I think I would only get one ultrasound! It's definitely nice and I try not to take it for granted, but I'm still all "8 weeks without an ultrasound? How will I make it!"
Those people in your town are the definition of LAME. I want to kick their ass and I'm trying to curb my violent thoughts, heh. JERKS! Oy. As you know, I know, but just to reiterate.
I will definitely find out! There's a slim chance I'll be able to find out at the NT scan I'm having done about week 12. If not then, I'll have another ultrasound at 17 weeks and we should be able to see then. It will either be two girls or two boys since they're identical. I can't wait!
Comments 14
I'm seriously considering sending my brother into the local bars to kick some ass.
and i craved mexican food my whole pregnancy. i was literally in labor wondering if someone would get me some chips and salsa! :)
Mexican food is my big craving. Luckily, it's easy to get!
I never asked, even though I've assumed the answer -- are you going to find out if they're boys or girls (or one of each)?
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