I have so many posts in my head I'm not even sure where to start! And so, we'll start with today.
Today was my first appointment with my regular OB/GYN. I was very excited to meet with him and figure all of this out. Twin pregnancies aren't the norm, so the various people I talked to at the clinic gave me conflicting answers as to how my treatment would go, which made me more than a little nervous. For now, I see him every 4 weeks and while there's no ultrasound next time, from there on out we'll do one. Once I hit 32 weeks it's ultrasounds pretty much every week, doing growth measurements every 3 weeks. I'm satisfied with that, although I'm a little nervous about going eight weeks without an ultrasound. But, I'm trying not to be neurotic.
I'm not getting enough protein, water or exercise. I know this and yet, there's not a ton I can do and he validated that telling me not to beat myself up. I'm hopeful I can make up for all of this in the second trimester. He was very happy I'd only gained two pounds! From what I've followed in other twin pregnancies, at some point you pack on 10-15 pounds, then it's virtually no gaining until the end again. We shall see. As long as I'm keeping food down, he's happy.
They were rather uncooperative during the ultrasound. From what I could tell, one is up and down and the other is horizontal, making it difficult to get both on the screen at the same time. Heartbeats were good. They are still very much blob-like which was a bit of a bummer.
We took both nieces to My Little Pony yesterday and it was Lame. The youngest was SUPER excited for it, totally bouncing and grinning. She enjoyed it and at least Kristina and I had a chance to chat. We agreed that in the future, Grandma can take them to these things.
After was Samantha's birthday party. These are always a little awkward since my SIL's family is very different from ours. As the gifts were being opened there was this whole "Look at how cool our presents are!!!" thing going on, which made my mom and I totally laugh. Samantha was glued to our sides the entire time, so I'm not going to quibble over whether my bug vacuum is more fun than your tutu.
At the party, my grandpa told me that word has gotten out in my hometown that I'm pregnant with twins. My cousin's wife works at the bank, and I think that's probably where the news got out. I'm from a very, very small town that is relatively close minded. They've never understood me and have always thought I was weird, so I guess I'm not sure why their reaction to the news surprises me, but it does. Apparently, they want to know if I'm happy that I'm having twins or if I'm disgusted. I think I'm supposed to be disgusted? Although I'm not sure if it's the twins part or the no daddy part that should disgust me. Perhaps both? They're also wondering how do I think I'm going to do this? I don't get that question. Do they think I'm going to move in with my parents? Because that is not going to happen. Do they think I'm going to give one up for adoption? Tonight I'm calling the remaining family that don't know in order to hopefully get a few more people around there on my side. I feel like at least my cousins will stick up for me if someone says something stupid. And really, I long ago stopped caring what the people in that town think about me. I just don't want this to affect my family there, especially my grandpa.
Other, non cut worthy things:
* Initially, the general consensus was that my house was not built for twins and that I needed to sell. While I saw the logic to this, I was opposed to the idea. The market is horrible, why sell now? But, my mother has changed her mind. In order for this to work I'll have to axe the baby armoire, but then I think we can fit two cribs in that tiny room. Thank God.
* Possibly unlike other pregnant girls, I do not crave bland food. I want spice, I want flavor, I want complex food! I drool watching Iron Chef. But how do I get this food?
* I am so, so excited for new tv and yet so worried that I'll never be able to keep up. I'm in bed by 9:00 these days, my dvr will fill up in no time!
* Does anyone else catch themselves saying to their cat or dog "Oh hai"?