Lemon-Lime Sorbet 8, Cookies & Cream 26 [Divide and Rule] (3/3)

Sep 08, 2016 14:30

Continued from Part Two.

Title: Scandal of the Town (3/3)
Author: lost_spook
Story: Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)
Flavor(s): Lemon-Lime Sorbet #8 (role reversal); Cookies & Cream #26 (settle)
Toppings/Extras: Chopped Nuts + Brownie + Gummy Bunnies (written for romance novel summary ficathon Unconventional Courtship + hc_bingo square “fall from grace”.
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[challenge] cookies n cream, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] brownie, [topping] gummy bunnies, [author] lost_spook, [challenge] lemon-lime sorbet

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Comments 4

roisin_farrell September 9 2016, 23:14:46 UTC
That ending! Yay!

I really liked this and hopefully this AU will be explored some more.


lost_spook September 11 2016, 17:03:45 UTC
Aw, thank you! :-)


oonaseckar September 18 2016, 11:33:45 UTC
'Since last time Edward had agreed to anyone’s proposition, he’d ended up married the following morning...'
'Edward wondered what the etiquette was on receiving someone who had very likely come to kill him.'
'That, decided Edward, was a serious flaw in the Inspector’s plan and if he managed to survive, he would have to have words with him about it.'

Many, many lols! I think in the case of the second quote, tea would still be involved.

Veeery filmable, no? Tom Hiddlestone would be fabulous as Edward. And perhaps Jenna Coleman as Julia. (Benedict Cumberbatch as Howe?)

I do like Marie Brannon. I know she's involved in villainy up to her neck, but she's doing as much as she can with the tools ready to hand.

Aah, that's a very sweet HEA!

ETA: Edward's realisations, always a little too late to be useful!


lost_spook September 19 2016, 13:46:06 UTC
Aw, thanks so much for reading and leaving such kind comments!

I'm v amused at your glamorous casting, but I think that Mr Cucumberpatch is probably busy enough already and Lord Howe needs to be a bit older, really. (Although I realise that's not clear from this piece; but he's just a bit younger than JUlia and Edward's fathers.)

Oh, yes, Marie is never a villain! It was hard to balance her in a separate piece like this - given a novel, her backstory would be in there, and I debated whether or not to try and cut her out to simplify things, but I decided it needed her.


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