Continued from
Part One.
Title: Scandal of the Town (2/3)
Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)Flavor(s): Lemon-Lime Sorbet #8 (role reversal); Cookies & Cream #26 (settle)
Toppings/Extras: Chopped Nuts + Brownie + Gummy Bunnies (written for romance novel summary ficathon Unconventional Courtship +
hc_bingo square “fall from grace”.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: ~26,000 (Part 2: 8,094 words).
Notes: Victorian AU; Edward Iveson/Julia Graves, Christy Graves, Elizabeth Iveson, Harold Graves, Roderick Howe. (Some references to suicide & murder).
Part Two
here for complete story ***
Part Three