Lemon-Lime Sorbet 8, Cookies & Cream 26 [Divide and Rule] (1/3)

Sep 08, 2016 13:33

Title: Scandal of the Town (1/3)
Author: lost_spook
Story: Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)
Flavor(s): Lemon-Lime Sorbet #8 (role reversal); Cookies & Cream #26 (settle)
Toppings/Extras: Chopped Nuts + Brownie + Gummy Bunnies (written for romance novel summary ficathon Unconventional Courtship + hc_bingo square “fall from grace”.
Rating: Teen
Word Count: ~26,000 (Part 1: 8,264 words).
Notes: Victorian AU; Edward Iveson/Julia Graves, Christy Graves, Elizabeth Iveson, Harold Graves, Roderick Howe. (Some references to suicide & murder). This is my much delayed entry for this year’s Unconventional Courtship fest. It’s very long and entirely irrelevant to the main canon, and, as it happens, not even true to the original romance novel summary chosen, so please feel free to ignore! I decided to post it in the end, especially as it also fit one of my hc_bingo squares perfectly. Apologies for the ridiculous length. (With many thanks to persiflage_1 for the swift beta.)
Summary: Thanks to one indiscretion, Edward Iveson's life and reputation is in ruins, until Julia Graves comes to his rescue with a proposal of marriage. Edward can hardly turn her down, but what is it that Julia wants from him?

Part One

See here for complete story


Part Two

[challenge] cookies n cream, [topping] chopped nuts, [extra] brownie, [topping] gummy bunnies, [author] lost_spook, [challenge] lemon-lime sorbet

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