(no subject)

Jan 30, 2009 13:21

Vanilla #9. Mother Used to Say with Malt
Story : knights
Rating : G
Timeframe : mid 1260's
Word Count : 297
Malt Prompt : Hat Prompt - mother used to say : Shamino - center of the universe

Kairn shifted the sack of groceries from one arm to the other with a slow roll of his shoulders and smiled as the open mouth of the bag, with its scent of fresh bread, passed beneath his nose. Load once more balanced, he glanced to the side to find the space beside him unoccupied. He craned his neck to peer over a shoulder.

Several paces back and slowly losing ground, Shamino scuffed at the ground with well worn shoes, small hands buried deep in his pockets and eyes lingering on some sight already passed.

“Sham?” Kairn slowed his pace. No answer, just more prodding of the dirt.

He followed the boy’s gaze back up the road to a young woman loitering in the shade of a shop’s awning, the hands of two small children clasped in her own. The three wove lazy circles along the edge of the street, their song and laughter lost in the drone of the crowd though it was plain on their faces.

With a sigh, Kairn drew to a halt. His attentions still distant, the boy shuffled on until he walked right into him. His head jerked up, dark curls flopping about. Sharp, blue eyes blinked quickly as they met his own. “Sham,” he said softly, but the boy’s face hardened at his concern.

Shamino pushed past him, his stride suddenly brisk, his eyes on his shoes. “I saw-” Kairn started.

“No, you didn’t.” His whole frame tensed.

Kairn sighed again and followed in Shamino’s wake. “She loved you,” he said. The boy’s shoulders slumped. He pawed the ground again but said nothing. “More than anything.”

One small hand slid from its pocket to swipe at his face. Kairn pretended not to notice and the two carried on towards home in silence.

[extra] malt, [author] shayna, [challenge] vanilla

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