(no subject)

Jan 11, 2009 20:55

Rocky Road #5. Bedroom with Sprinkles and Malt
Rating :heavy R (sex)
Timeframe : 1255 - Lonna & Terrel's wedding night
Word Count : 426
Malt Prompt : Falootin's Stocking Stuffer

Terrel’s fists were wound in her dress before the door even shut, his face buried in her hair, mouth pressed to her neck. Lonna gasped for breath as his lips tore at her throat. She sank her fingers into his hair, her other hand clawing at his back as his persistence sent her staggering towards the bed.

“Oh, Terrel,” she murmured, as his hands moved over her with such speed it seemed he had more of them than he should.

“Mmm,” came the response. His fingers worked their way up the ribbons along her back, unraveling their delicately woven pattern.

The dress and all its trappings clattered to the floor, a rumpled heap of green silk decked in pins and jewels. “Oh, Terrel,” she said again, her voice dying in a moan as he wasted no time laying hands on freshly exposed skin.

The next “mmm,” came from the vicinity of her breasts, as his lips followed his hands. Lonna thrust out a hand to grip the bedpost, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as Terrel’s tongue caressed her.

She braced herself, swallowed hard, and, peering down at the top of Terrel’s head, forced her breathing even. “Terrel?” she addressed the red mane bobbing beneath her chin.

“Mmm?” he said around a mouthful of flesh.

Lonna gritted her teeth, her legs trembling beneath her as his tongue made another pass. “Terrel,” she said more firmly. No response. She pried her fingers from his back, slid her palm over his hair “Are you… happy?”

He pulled away, tipping his head back to stare up at her with wide green eyes, his hands paused on her ribs. “Do you have the slightest notion what a ridiculous question that is?” he asked with a grin. Lonna tucked her lip between her teeth. “You’re naked, love,” he said, drawing himself up even with her, his hands slowly climbing.

“Not what I meant,” said Lonna, dodging the lips that sought hers. “Are you happy… with me?”

Not daunted in the least, Terrel nipped at her neck and her ear. “Should I not be?” he said. “You're mine. This.” He gave her breast a squeeze. “And this.” He ran his hand over the swell of her belly. “And this.” Lonna yelped as the hand dipped between her legs. “Mine,” Terrel purred into her ear.

Lonna gripped a fistful of Terrel’s hair and gave his head a twist so that his lips fell on hers. She pressed her eyes tightly shut and held onto him as he lowered her onto the bed.

[topping] sprinkles, [challenge] rocky road, [extra] malt, [author] shayna

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