Ichthus-Inspired Pocky

Jan 09, 2009 13:50

Flavor of the Day - 1/9/09 - Eclectic with Hot Fudge and Pocky

Story : knights
Rating : PG (Necromancy)
Timeframe : 1250's
Word Count : 100
Word of the Day : Eclectic - selecting and using what seems best from various sources or systems; made up of selections from various sources; broad in acceptance of ideas or approval from other sources.

Head from a weasel, tail from a squirrel.

Front legs from some lizard he couldn’t quite identify and the rear from a rabbit.

The battered, black wings of a crow spread to either side.

Kairn turned the chalk over in his hand. “A spine,” he said.


“I’m lacking a spine.” There was a snicker. Kairn scowled. “For the construct.”

“Yes, of course.”

Something thudded against Kairn’s foot, and he looked down to find a length of thick rope draped over the toe of his boot. “I can’t use that.”

There was a sigh. “Then step aside. I‘ll do it.”

[extra] pocky, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna, [challenge] flavor of the day

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