Guava and Fudge Ripple with a Cherry

Oct 09, 2010 10:22

Story: Timeless { backstory | index }

Title: Wherever

Rating: G

Challenge: Guava #8: cross my heart, Fudge Ripple #25: affection

Toppings/Extras: cherry

Wordcount: 111

Summary: Simmins isn’t a poetry kind of man, but sometimes he wishes he was.

Notes: Well, here we go with my first poem in a loooong time. Protective!Simmins is protective. My muse for Simmins seems to be strong of late... I do love my scruffy little burglar.

Girl with the smile

And the buttery eyes,

Sharp as a knife

And wrapped up in her lies:

She’s smaller than ants

But she’s larger than life,

And she doesn’t know

More than most that I’d die

If she were to fall

And be lost from her home,

I’m not her man

But I’m where she belongs,

I wish that she’d stay

Tucked safe in the known:

One day she’ll look up

And that day she’ll be gone.

I’ve watched her twist

And I’ve watched her grow,

Lying about

All the things she don’t know-

If I help her

I just tread on her toes,

But I promise I’ll save you,

Wherever you go.

[inactive-author] ninablues, [challenge] guava, [challenge] fudge ripple, [topping] cherry

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