Cayenne 10, CCM 18

May 04, 2010 21:09

Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy (NIEE) universe, during NIEE
Challenge: Cayenne 10 (Fortifications), Chocolate Chip Mint 18 (ancient)
Toppings: Sprinkles (Jay)
Word Count: 352
Rating: PG (one instant of language)
Summary: Jay’s first thoughts of the castle
Notes: Just prior to the big battle (which includes the Sorin vs. Beau piece). This is a rather tame Jay - even he’s a little intimidated by the prospect of attacking the capital.

Jay followed Jez and Beau, creeping forward and then shimmying up the small embankment until they could peer out at the capital city. He ignored the two as they did their momentary lovey-dovey thing, something about ‘nothing ever being easy’, which he agreed with, but thought impolite to interrupt since everyone was already in ‘serious big fight maybe death mode’.

Instead, he took Stella’s hand and looked out at the castle. They found themselves about a half mile out from the city and the castle that towered above it, ancient weathered stone seeming to stretch to the sky. Between them lay farms, the crops just beginning to grow. They wouldn’t offer much protection but Jay knew that the Three wouldn’t really be looking for them on the approach.

Past the farms was the tall wall which would provide no problem as long as they got the chance to set the explosives they had ready for just that job. It wasn’t the walls that drew his attention, though, but the huge castle that dominated the landscape. He knew from his childhood history lessons that that castle was the historic home of the Highcastle royal family, from the very first Highcastle, way back with Logan the Liberator. The castle, however, was more intimidating - perhaps because they were about to attempt to break in without breaking it, so that they would have a center to the government when the Highcastles got back on the throne. It loomed up over the walls and the rest of the city, even from the distance, with daunting stone towers jutting from its seven stories, some stretching ten stories or more, Jay suspected.

He ran a finger over the new growth on the branch half blocking his view, noting the irony with a grin. It was definitely time for a new beginning.

Beau’s voice drew their attention to a seemingly-small red flag being waved on the walls.

Jay caught Jez looking at him and instantly grinned. “Ready to go storm the evil villains’ keep, Jez?”

She blinked and then laughed, obviously unable to help herself. “Hell yes!”

“Time to go.”

[topping] sprinkles, [challenge] cayenne, [challenge] chocolate chip mint, [author] casey

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