(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 13:56

Pear #18. Bound & Gagged with Hot Fudge and Whipped Cream
Story : knights
Rating : PG
Timeframe : 1252
Word Count : 1004

The door wasn’t locked. It wasn’t even shut all the way. That wasn’t like Kairn. He’d come home to enough bedmates with teeth or claws with the door locked to know better. Sethan flattened himself against the frame and gave the door a cautious push inward.

There was no one lurking behind the door, no one waiting in his chair. The desk was untouched, the shelves as well, not so much as a paper out of place, and he let go of the frame and ventured a step into the room.

The bed gave a creak, a rattle, and an all too human groan. He spied a bit of rope wound between the slats, a train of pink lace dangling from the bottom bunk. Sethan sighed.

A muffled cry came from the bed, the rope slid back and forth over the frame, and the whole thing shook. Something skittered past his foot, and without bothering to look, Sethan gave whatever it was a sharp kick that sent it rolling under the desk. He hoped Kairn hadn’t seen it, and more so that it hadn’t seen him.

“You alright?”

The garbled retort Kairn made around the towel stuffed between his teeth and the way he thrashed again at the ropes that pinned him to the frame would have to be taken as a negative. The boy was swimming in lace. A ghastly shade of all but iridescent pink, though here and there it was dulled by the dusty print of the bottom of someone’s boot. A tear up the side of the skirt that would have laid him bare almost to the hip leaked still more ruffles as white petticoats spiled from within. They’d really outdone themselves this time.

Sethan couldn’t help but grin, and he shook his head. “You know,” he said, “I told you pink wasn’t your color.”

The next muffled words were most definitely obscene. Sethan wondered if, with a bit more practice, he could make out everything Kairn was trying to say. Maybe next time.

“Hold still.”

Another response was lost in the gag as he reached for Kairn’s wrists. His arms were raw, scraped and bloody.

“You know, you make this worse on yourself.”

Obscenities again.

“I could leave just you.” He let the hands drop, the knot only half picked apart.

Kairn went still, eyes wide, teeth clamped into the towel. Sethan worked at the knots and the rope fell away. Kairn jerked upright as soon as his hands were free and ripped the gag from his mouth.

Sethan slouched against the bunk frame. “You’re welcome,” he said.

Kairn scowled. “You know,” he said, tugging the bonds at his feet, “I do have a girl now.” He wriggled one ankle, pink and chafed as his wrists, from the rope and shook it out a bit. “You’d think that’d put an end to it.”

Arms folded, shoulder against the bottom of his own bunk, Sethan said nothing as he eyed the series of crooked bows that wound its way up Kairn’s back.

“Only seems to make it worse.” Both feet out, he reached an arm around himself to swat at the top ribbon on his back. One failed swipe at the knot, and another, and he sighed. “Get me out of this.”

“I suspect that’s what they wanted me to do.”

Kairn turned on him with a fierce glare. “It’s all tied up the back. I can’t reach it,” he said. “And it’s your fault, you know.”

“Oh it is?” said Sethan, but he was already sinking onto the mattress behind him, taking the top bow between his fingers.

Kairn was rubbing at his wrist, frowning at the lacerated feet crossed just outside the pool of pink in his lap. “You never deny it.”

Sethan paused, hands halfway down Kairn’s back. The dress slipped off one shoulder and a hefty bruise slid into view. “I don’t see what difference it would make. Do you want me to do something about that?” He indicated the bruise.

“I’ll be fine.” Kairn tugged the dress back over the mark. “Doesn’t it bother you?”

Sethan plucked another bow apart. “What?” he said. “That a bunch of rocks for brains think I get in bed with you? Not especially.”

He reached for the next tie, but Kairn twisted away. They sat in silence for a moment, Sethan with his hands folded in his own lap, Kairn glowering at him over his shoulder.

“You put too much stock what everyone else thinks,” Sethan said.

Kairn jerked to his feet, great mounds of pink and lace tumbling down around his ankles as the dress slid from his shoulders. “Easy to say when you’re not the one with the bruises.”

Sethan shrugged. “I offered to mend them.”

Kairn opened his mouth, stared at him for another moment, and let it close with a shake of his head. With an angry grunt he tore the fluffy, white mass of petticoat from his hips and threw it on the floor with the dress.

He kicked the whole mess Sethan’s way. “Burn this. Make Aldo eat it. Whatever, I just don’t want to ever see it again.”

“Shall I tell them next time that lavender is more your thing?”

Kairn repeated a few of the phrases from when he’d been gagged. “So glad to see one of us finds this funny. You know, if I find you strung up to a bed, maybe I’ll just call Reida.”

Sethan’s throat went a little tight, but he swung a leg over the edge of the bed and prodded the pile of dress, pretending not to think about what Reida might do in such a case. “I think,” he said, “that she might be a bit busy picking up the pieces of Aldo I’d left behind.”

Kairn sniffed. “You know I wouldn’t do it anyway,” he said. He gave his head a scratch, frowned at the puddle of gown. “Can we…can we just get rid of this and not talk about it again?”

[challenge] pear, [topping] whipped cream, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna

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