Sap Alert

Jun 06, 2008 18:29

Pistachio #15. A Kiss
Rating : PG-13
Timeframe : spring 1260

I'm picking my third flavor. It's been tempting me since I added it.

Sorry Sly, the demon butt-whooping just doesn't seem to want to get written. I'm still working on it. In the meantime, here's an introduction to my lovebirds.

Ski sat, with legs folded, on the stone bench, watching the sun sink beyond the still scenery. The echo of footstreps ascending the tower stairs drew her attention from the silent hills.

The captain’s shaggy blonde and muscled form sauntered through the doorway. He greeted her with a frown and shake of his head. “No disrespect,” Tristan said. “But what do you think you’re doing?”

“I thought I should take a turn at watch.”

“I’m thankful for the offer, but you really don’t need to.”

“I am only doing my part.”

He laughed. “You’ve more than earned your keep. This is beneath you.”

“Watch duty is hardly befitting work for a captain either, yet you do it regularly.”

“That’s different. I’m not… I mean, I can’t…” He grasped the air with his hands as if the words he were looking for hovered in front of him.

Ski paid his floundering no notice. “After yesterday we are short handed and your men could dearly use the rest. I insist.”

He looked thoughtful for a moment. “I could keep you company.” She shrugged and returned to her watch. “It’s the least I can think to offer. I owe you my life, not once, but twice over now.”

Her eyes narrowed as she met his gaze. “You need not carry on so.”

“Alright.” The shrug he gave was casual enough, but there was something in his eyes she couldn’t quite place. “There are other ways to show you how I feel.”

He moved in closer, so near that she could smell the leather of the armor that has wasn’t even wearing. She wondered briefly if he’d spent so much time in the stuff the scent had permanently affixed itself to him. And she noted that the cool spring air had taken a sudden leap towards sweltering. And then his lips were on hers and every thought that had entered her mind fled just as quickly as it had come.

Tristan pulled away. A broad grin split his round face. The dark eyes that took in her reaction all but glowed.

Ski found herself at a loss for words as well as breath as her tongue traced the hollow corners of her mouth and she wondered how she had managed to go so long without such a thing. “Well,” she said at last, and served herself a sharp reminder that blinking would most certainly not force clarity upon her, no matter how many times she did it. “That certainly does get the point across. When you said you would keep me company, I hardly thought you meant-”

The grin faltered. “Was I too forward? I meant no disre-” The apology died as she returned her lips to his.

“Now,” she said, long moments later. “As much as I enjoy your company, I think it would be best if I were to mind my post.”

[challenge] pistachio, [author] shayna

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