Allow me the honor to ...

Jun 05, 2008 20:47

Introduce myself here.

Penname: ... .... Just call me gumdrop for now...
Genre: I like writing almost everything, mostly general/fantasy/ and the tiniest mix of romance.
Challenge: Black Raspberry (That is a flavor, right? As no one has done any so I'm a bit wary)

About me: One word: bunny. I look like a freaking bunny, act like one often, and usually gets attacked by plot bunnies that demand to be written into the story, or will ruin the entire story... ^^. But yeah, besides that, I'm a random teenager girl who just could not fit writing into school, and hopes this can deal with that withdrawal....

The story:
Third time rewritting this section. I can't do summaries or writing out worlds like this. I'm sorry if it sucks horribly. If anyone needs a clearer description, feel free to message me.

In the Golden Age of Piracy (with changes), the son of a pirate meets a ghost girl. Specifically, the girl is a maiden of the sea, a Villya. She is cursed like all Villyas are (in folk tales, it's maidens who are forced to keep on living after death for their foolishness in life). She can't remember too much about her death or about her previous life. All she knows for sure is that she did love somebody, and she's guessing that she died because of him. She wants to know how she died and who she loved as another curse of the Villya is that the loved one will die. As a result, she will search the entire world for him to try to stop that from happening. It is here that her identity is revealed and caught by the pirate boy. There were sightings of all of forklore (Kraken, anyone?), but no actual proof. She's the living proof of that, and now needs to stop him from revealing the secret as then the powerful beings will have to interfere. Without doubt, the beings will then force the Villya to stop her quest.

If this sounds cliche, please tell me. I'm a rather novice writer, and seriously don't want to write a whole book of Mary Sues and stuff..

The Villya may sound like a lovey dovey fool right now, but she's not. As a classic ghost, she does want revenge and well, has a bad habit of violence. The fact that most of her punches go through people doesn't stop her from trying to hit the ones that knows her secret.

There's other fun people to write about as there's so many myths I want to add that most people won't know probably, like the fact that mermaids were ugly beasts.

As you can probably tell, this story isn't even written yet. It's all in the planning and mental writing. I really don't want to spoil this idea, so all of these snippets will be perfect for experimentation.... That's not against the rules, right? x.x
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