(no subject)

Sep 04, 2009 12:21

Maple Walnut #29. Strange Bedfellows with Whipped Cream and Pocky
Story : knights
Rating : PG
Timeframe : 1252
Word Count : 100

I'm not sure how many ideas this prompt has had attached to it and then removed. I wanted something profound, figured it would be something smutty. This is neither. Thank Olram.

“What are you looking for?” asked Elsie as Kairn gave the quilt another shake.

Kairn shrugged. “Spiders, rats, things with pincers.”

Elsie forced down the lump that rose in her throat as Kairn patted down the mattress. “I…I see,” she said. “Is she really that…jealous of me?”

“Nah.” Satisfied with the lack of unwanted inhabitants, Kairn neatly spread the covers. “Normal bedtime routine.”

He seated himself on the bed, the frame creaking with the addition of his weight. “Well?” he said, arms outstretched.

Hoping her smile wasn’t too tight or her face too green, she settled beside him.

[topping] whipped cream, [challenge] maple walnut, [extra] pocky, [author] shayna

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