I will finish this yet!

Aug 07, 2009 14:39

Molasses #21. Pain in the Neck
Story : knights
Rating : G
Timeframe : fall 1253
Word Count : 272

“Stand up straight,” said Masakari.

A tickle crept up the back of Rune’s neck.

“When I stand up, it does this.” He squared his shoulders, pulling the shirt taut, and the cuffs lurched halfway up his forearms.

Masakari frowned. There was a sharp twinge along his spine.

She turned on the tailor. “You have nothing else?”

The little man scurried about Rune, tape measure dangling from flailing hands. “This is the biggest I have!”

Bigger? His hands twitched as another itch rolled its way up his neck. He was already wearing a tent.

“Could you not let the sleeves out further?” Masakari suggested.

The tailor grabbed the pinned end that hung from Rune’s arm and offered it up to the noblewoman. A tiny, frayed bit of fabric dangled beyond the pin. “There is nothing more to let out.” He dropped the sleeve and pointed at the curtain around his middle. “And there is already much to be let in.”

Rune snapped his arms back to his sides and bit his tongue as Masakari sighed. “Very well,” she said. “Take in what you can quickly.”

“I…I have my own clothes,” said Rune.

The offer was met with a scathing blue glare from the noblewoman and a hasty ducking out of the way by the tailor. “If you think I am taking you in rags to the palace, you are mistaken. This will do.”

The itch flared to a burn and Rune gave up the fight against it. He stuffed a hand beneath the stiff collar and ground it against his neck even as he bowed his head with a meek “Yes, my Lady.”

[challenge] molasses, [author] shayna

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