Pistachio #22. Caught Off Guard with Hot Fudge
Timeframe : fall 1260 - after THE battle, before
frustration and
furry friendsRating : PG
I haven't run this through my Marty filter, I hope I don't get myself in trouble.
“You’re what?”
There was a long pause. Neither woman paid the dark shape that hovered outside the window any heed, nor did they notice when the string of fervent curses in the same voice sent it fluttering away. “How did this happen?”
“I suspect in the same manner these things usually do.” The second voice was far more quiet.
The first sputtered the beginnings of several responses and the unseen shape crept closer once again. “Very funny,” she finally managed. “That’s not what I meant. Don’t you know better?”
“This is hardly the time for a lecture.”
“No, I suppose it’s a bit late for that. Now what do we do?”
“We keep going. South, I think. At least until we lose the black cloaks on our tails.”
A glance at the three bodies splayed at his feet told Sethan the two would find little trouble with such a plan. Relieved to know they had no suspicion of his intervention, he expelled his power with no more effort than a breath, and the fluttering form outside the knights’ window went limp and plummeted to the ground.
No one who found the scrap of cloth in the grass where he let it fall would have reason to suspect a thing. The fools’ remains that now lined the floor of his own room were a different matter. A pity that he’d have to dispose of such lovely specimens.