FotD 2.23

Feb 24, 2015 00:03

Rating: PG/PG-13
Flavors: Flavor of the Day (brolly)
Word Count:169
Project: From a Place Past Paradise
Notes: Woops. Long day, finished this earlier while eating dinner, but actually fell asleep at the computer before hitting submit. Woops. (I blame stream for putting me to sleep!) Just another quickwrite.

“Coming in?”

“And miss this? No, thank you.” Annalise stood in place under her favorite tree, the one that overlooked the city.  The buildings were alight, burning even in the rain. The war was everywhere. It served them all right to burn in their own summoned hellfire. They all deserved it for being such wicked beings, herself included. Annalise was merely waiting for her time to be taken to the stake for judgment before whatever gods existed out there.

Ross shuddered from the cold as the water seeped past his coat. “I’ll be inside then.” Prying the woman’s fingers open, he placed the umbrella handle in her grip, and then left to the comfort of the mansion. His friend could get sick if she so wished; but, he and illness were adversaries, and he would do his best to make sure it stayed that way.

Annalise hummed her beloved sonata (a favorite from when she was but a girl) under her breath. The gunfire kept time. Burning, burning, burning.

[author] ruhgeenuh, [challenge] flavor of the day

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