Author: Aublivienne
Singularity SyndromeTitle: Three Jerks in a House .
Challenge: Sugar Plum #7 (here we are, as in olden days)
Extras/Toppings: none
Rating: PG-13
Wordcount: 272
Summary: Our heroes (and villain) have to stick together for a while...
Notes: I didn't abandon this place again, I swear :p The past few weeks have been kind of nuts. This is just something silly I've been playing with off and on, so I figured I'd post it in parts.
“Alright,” Kashmir began, sitting between the two enemies. “Since Alain is wanted for being a phenomenal asshole, and Carmine, you're homeless, I thought-“
“I'm not homeless,” Carmine interrupted. “I just live on my ship.”
“You smell homeless,” Alain muttered under his breath as he inspected his nails.
Carmine leaned forward and glared around Kashmir. “You got something to say?”
“Maybe you'd understand me better if you were high on some random shit you found in a bar?” Alain sneered. He cleared his throat and began to speak insultingly slowly. “I said, 'you sme-'”
“I thought that maybe we could lay low here for a while,” Kashmir continued, raising his voice to be heard over the quickly deteriorating argument.
Alain gasped and hugged Kashmir closer. “Oh, I thought you'd never ask,” he purred, stroking Kashmir's face. “So why is the whore-“ He quickly cut his eyes to Carmine and back again. “-still here?”
“I mean all of us,” Kashmir said, again trying to talk over Carmine's nasty comments on Alain's own lengthy string of sexual conquests. “It's not like either of you have anywhere else to go.”
“Oh, fuck this.” Alain scowled and stood up. “I'm leaving.”
Kashmir pulled the professor back down onto the couch. “Wanted criminal, remember?”
“You know what?” Carmine spoke up. “I'm in. Look, I'll even work on being nice.” He extended his hand to Alain. “Truce? At least until we leave?”
Alain grimaced at Carmine's hand, as if it were something foul and toxic that had been dropped in front of him. “Drink bleach,” he spat.
Kashmir sighed and rubbed his temples. It couldn't get that bad.