FotD 1.1, Teaberry #25

Jan 01, 2015 23:59

Rating: T
Flavors: Flavor of the Day (incunabula: the earliest stages or first traces of anything), Teaberry #25 (Come live with me and be my Love/ And we will all the pleasures prove)
Word count: 308
Project: From a Place Past Paradise
Notes: Quick write, written from a new character's POV (an old "friend" of Original!Autumn). Also, decided to try and go back through everything else I've posted in the past and actually edit, sort and index it all for what I'm making canon. Currently all running under some project name of From a Place Past Paradise.

In those days, all she sang of was love.

And, I believed her. As stupid as that may sound.

I look back now, and I see the bumbling fool that my past self was. Yet, it is common knowledge that hindsight is 20/20. There is not a day that goes by in which I do not regret my naivety. Yet, at the same time, there is not a day that I would repeat with a different outcome.

Doomed to fail from the very beginning. That was what summed up our entire lives together.

I only wish it were not so.

So that we may continue to sing high praises of love and loving.

And her hand would remain small and entwined with my own. Tiny palms meeting another’s, slick with the nervous sweat that only accompanies youth and inexperience. A warmth that ran from hand to heart and everywhere else. Palpitations that made the world spin and spin into a dizzying kind of bliss. The flushing of plump cheeks that had yet to be kissed by anyone other than Mother. Sweet, sweet Mother. Eyes glittering and shimmering with the reflections of the sky and of the flowers and of the world that was oh so bright, oh so beautiful. That was her. That was her. It was all her. And she. Well, she. She was everything. Everything that could ever be praised. She was love itself personified, and to love her was all I could ever hope to do for a being such as her.

And so, I sing of loving her when she can no longer love one such as I.  I wait for the day that she returns to my embrace, for the day when she is not fooled by the ruse anymore, so that we may continue to be true to our nature and design.

[author] ruhgeenuh, [challenge] teaberry, [challenge] flavor of the day

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