Butter Rum 4, Pomegranate 16, FOTD

Aug 11, 2011 15:08

Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy universe, Post NIEE
Challenges: Butter Rum 4 (peg leg), FOTD (billet: To provide or obtain lodging.), Pomegranate 16 (an order)
Toppings & Extras: Caramel, Sprinkles
Word Count: 426
Rating: PG
Summary: Riggs gets the new ‘recruits’ settled.
Notes: Fairly early on in last year’s NaNo, Pirates!

First Mate Bob Riggs took in the pair standing just off the gangplank looking lost. “Ya sure this is a good idea, Corinne?” he murmured.

“There is no safer place for either Sage or Ian right now,” the captain said. “Until we figure out why Roderick took Elizabeth, Ian is not safe.”

“And the Opalin girl?”

He received an amused look from his old friend. “Do you honestly think we could leave her behind, Bobby?” Corinne was the only one who could get away with calling him that.

“Eh, probably right, as usual. What do we do with them?”

“Get them a place to sleep and put them to work. We’ll put Ian in one of the smaller rooms. I don’t foresee him able to handle the bunks. Then,” Corinne frowned, “well, I guess we should ask Sage. We do have an extra room, but she strikes me as the type to enjoy company in a distant sort of way. Get them straightened out, would you?”

Riggs rolled his eyes. “Aye, aye, Cap’n,” he said and stomped towards the two newest, perhaps reluctant, crewmembers. As he thumped his way over, both of them looked up, Ian’s eyes never losing their nervous, almost haunted look, while Sage looked, to his surprise, more pissed than anything. Not surprisingly, their gazes were drawn to his right leg, which was wooden below the knee. It didn’t surprise him, most people did, but he’d had ten years to get used to it. “Clichéd, eh?” he said with a grin as he reached the pair.

“A bit,” Sage said and Ian nodded, more because it was supposed to than because he meant it, Riggs thought.

“Then it migh’ surprise ya that I lost it during a squabble when on leave.”

That managed to get a brief smile out of her. “It might, yeah.”

“The captain asked me get you settled since young Nathan is a wee busy. We’ve got a room for you, boy. For you,” he said turning to Sage, “we figured you could pick the bunks or the other small room, where you and your friend were originally going to stay.”

Her face twisted in thought before she shrugged. “I’ll bunk, not a problem.”

He smiled briefly. “Then let’s get you two down there and see about findin’ some clothes for young Ian.”

Ian blinked. “Oh, right. Thanks,” he added.

Sage patted his shoulder carefully, like she wasn’t entirely used to it. Riggs eyed both and then decided it was best to just show them where they would be sleeping.

[topping] sprinkles, [topping] caramel, [challenge] butter rum, [challenge] pomegranate, [author] casey, [challenge] flavor of the day

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