(no subject)

Aug 11, 2011 20:09

An Odd Number of Stars
+ Wildberry #26 [Self Pity]
+ Pocky
+ Rainbow Sprinkles
+ Gummy Bunnies [origfic bingo:  vulnerability]
+ Malt [ bookblather 's birthday prompt: "Play right or don't play at all." -Psych]

“Stopping being such a drama queen, Juliet.” Daisy warned, her tone harsh.
In which Juliet is heartbroken and Daisy is a bitch
Timeline: December 2005 Character: Juliet Words: 100

“I can’t believe she just called us a fling!” Another pillow hit the wall. “I feel like I’m about to fall apart!”

“I’m sorry, Jules.” Joey patted her on the back. Daisy didn’t even look up from the book she was reading.

“Stopping being such a drama queen, Juliet.” Daisy warned, her tone harsh.

“A drama queen? She fucking called me a fling!” Juliet’s eyes were red and her head was beginning to ache.

“We warned you.” Daisy replied. Joey sent her an icy glare.

“She’s a bitch.” He comforted Juliet.

“So is Daisy.” Juliet muttered.

Juliet and Daisy's rough patch again... I should really start writing what actually happened, but its way more exciting to allude to it all the time. :P Anywayyyyyyyyyyy. I'm nearly done with this pocky sundae and then NO MORE POCKIES EVER IN MY LIFE I AM JUST SO SICK OF THEM RIGHT NOW! wayyyyyyyyy

[topping] sprinkles, [extra] malt, [topping] gummy bunnies, [extra] pocky, [inactive-author] lady macbeth, [challenge] wildberry

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