Soft Serve 6/50 - Pistachio #20. Practice
Root Beer Float with Hot Fudge, Chopped Nuts, and Malt
Story :
knights & necromancersRating : PG
Timeframe : N/A
Medium : ballpoint pen + paintshop
Malt Prompt : Dare from Miimei - a comic strip with Reida & Kairn
So, this is utterly cheap and ridiculous, and the art is even pretty sketchy. I blame Fin for the fact that I drew it at all (I will explain at the end)
Reida Teaches Kindergarten
Ok, so Fin... Apparently not only am I Reida, I'm raising Reidas. She made this lovely little drawing of some multi-armed guy (I think he started with 8 or so) and demonstrated her subtraction skills with a pair of scissors (snip-snip. "Now how many arms does he have?" and counting them) Reida couldn't resist copying.