Helene Double Post

Feb 25, 2011 11:08

Title: For the Lulz
Story Continuity: The Lethean Glamour
Flavor: Cheesecake 8: everything was beautiful at the ballet, Gingerbread 19: my, what big teeth you have, Papaya 13: take that!
Toppings/Extra: Pocky, Butterscotch, Hot Fudge
Rating: PG
Summary: Or, the only reason Helene ever does anything.

Helene would not have guessed just how far she could fall without ever stumbling. Would she have been tickled to dance with razor-point boots upon a luckless stranger last year, if she'd had occasion? She took up the stage to make people laugh, allow them to forget a while. That was what she'd wanted.

Was that what she wanted?

She considered the trembling mass of humanity under her foot, black and blue and bleeding all over. She grinned.

Helene bade him to break a leg, then did the job for him. She wasn't sure what caused him more pain.

This was what she wanted.

Title: Spider and Fly
Story Continuity: The Lethean Glamour
Extra/Topping: Banana, Hot Fudge, Butterscotch (Helene is 19, as opposed to 35 in main canon), Cherry (first time using an art tablet)
Flavors: Papaya 28: did I do that?, Gingerbread 18: someone's been sleeping in my bed
Rating: PG
Summary: Helene kills Vera's boyfriend and seems rather happy about it.

[challenge] cheesecake, [challenge] gingerbread, [inactive-author] dark faerie claw, [challenge] papaya, [topping] butterscotch, [topping] hot fudge, [extra] banana, [extra] pocky, [topping] cherry

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