Strawberry #22, Strawberry Banana #6 - In Between

Jun 06, 2010 18:17

Author: askingxalice
Title: In Between
Story: Phase
Timeline: May 2013 - Adrianna and Sarah are 24.
Challenge: Strawberry #22 (flowers), Strawberry Banana #6 (indecision)
Word Count: 721
Rating: PG

It had been a little over a month since she had seen or talked to Sarah. How that was even possible, Adrianna still wasn’t sure, but her phone calls and text messages went unanswered and the door was never answered whenever she tried to visit. Andy told her that she had been acting normal since The Incident (as they had started calling it), but Adrianna wondered exactly how good of an actress Sarah was.

None of them knew why Sarah acted so odd around Angie, or whenever she was brought up, but the twitchy and far too happy mood she would suddenly go into worried them all. Andy had tried to get her to talk about it more than once, with no success. Finally, after a week or two, he had given up. His tries to get Sarah to talk to Adrianna had gone the same way.

Thus, Adrianna had done everything she could to keep her mind off of the very obvious Sarah shaped hole in her life. She had immersed herself in her studies to make sure she aced her finals, and made sure the house stayed clean twenty four-seven. (Oz had once joked that he wouldn’t have to take his antibiotics anymore, since he was pretty sure that living around so much bleach had made him immune to every disease in the world. That had been rewarded with a thrown scrub brush to the head.)

When the bouquet of sunflowers showed up at their front door with her name on the label, she had been confused. The note simply said ‘I miss you.’ in Sarah’s infamous, familiar chicken scratch and her confusion had only grown. And so, for the first time in weeks, Adrianna sat down and purposefully thought about the other woman and their situation.

Sarah said she loved her, though Adrianna wasn’t sure how much truth was in that. Even if it was true, she didn’t know what to do with the information. Love was an oddly foreign concept to her, and she wasn’t even sure if she liked women. Most days, she wondered if she even liked men. If anyone had bothered to ask her, Adrianna would say that she was most likely asexual with a nearly nonexistent sex drive, and it didn’t bother her a bit.

Did she want to try for a romantic relationship with someone? Yes, perhaps one day. Living with Andy and Oz made her envious of not having someone to enjoy life with; though she doubted that there would be much physicality involved. Her sexual experiences had been few and far in-between, and she had yet to have any that she would deem pleasurable. While she understood that sex was needed to keep the planet occupied, she didn’t see the big deal in it for any other capacity.

Even if she did want to try for a romantic, nonphysical relationship with somebody, she wasn’t sure if that person would be Sarah. She wasn’t even sure if Sarah would go for that idea in the first place. Adrianna liked her, but as a friend. Her obnoxiousness could sometimes be annoying, but most of the time it had an odd sort of appeal. Where most people would be grating, Sarah managed to make it part of her charm.

Still, even if Adrianna could tentatively move Sarah from the ‘Friends’ category into something more, there was still the fact that she had no desire to fulfill the sexual part of a relationship. She had known Sarah long enough to know that particular part of any relationship was important to her, if not vital. There was a large possibility that if they tried for anything, it would crash and burn and maybe ruin their friendship forever.

She was thinking in circles, and it was getting her nowhere. Adrianna rubbed at her temples, hoping to fight off the headache that had slowly started to form behind her eyes. This was pointless. Sarah had not asked her for anything, much less to be her girlfriend. All she had said was that she missed her, which could mean many things. Yet, it wasn’t quite an invitation to try and contact her. Or was it?

There was one thing Adrianna was certain of, at least. Sarah was the most confusing person she had ever, and would ever meet.

[inactive-author] nikki, [challenge] strawberry banana, [challenge] strawberry

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