"If Palin says maverick one more time, I’m going to rip out my hair!"YES. OMG YA'LL. I am honestly considering rewatching it and literally, earnestly tallying how many times she said the word "maverick". Just so's you all who did not see the whole thing or maybe any of it can understand JUST HOW FUCKING RIDICULOUS AND IRRITATING IT GOT. Even Joe
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Comments 2
Glad you enjoyed my blow-by-blow coverage of the VP debate. Thanks for the shoutout and for the link! :-)
I wrote a follow-up post after the debate because I just so mad that she got up there and pretty much BSed her way through a 90-minute debate, without even caring to answer the questions that were on the table.
Anyway, here's the link to the post. Hope you enjoy it.
I did not know how much Sarah was making, money-wise, but even with five kids and one grandkid, given what her salary surely is, I highly doubt she's "middle class" and the implication that McCain is also "middle class" when he can afford to lose up to a half a dozen home without actually ending up "homeless" infuriates me a little, really. Especially when they're trying to pull the "Elitist! Elitest! OMG Elitest!" card against a guy who's worked for the good of his local communities for years and a widower who still takes the train to work. Yes, their opponents are US Senators, who therefore make a darn good salary and get lovely pensions. However, so is McCain!
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