OJ (3. Tomodachi)

Jul 23, 2010 22:55

Title: Orange Juice (Just another love story?)
Author: ruilian_thatsme
Characters/Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari / OC, Akanishi Jin / OC
Length: Chaptered
Summary: From a dying faith to a wishful heart. Who says cheesy love stories only happen in dramas? One bottle of orange juice starts it all. Never give up! Keep moving forward. ^_^!
A/N: there are a number of jap phrases here, if there's anything i forgot to put trans, just tell me...^^ Enjoy!

Tomodachi (Friend)

“Rin? Is that you? It is!” a familiar voice called her.

“Hm? Dare desu ka?(who is it?)” Rin looked away from the vending machine then took a better look at the guy and recognized her childhood friend.

“Jin! Why, it’s you! Ohizashiburi!(long time no see) How have you been? What are you doing here?” she exclaimed her eyes wide with surprise.

“I’m great! I’m so happy to see you again.” He replied and hugged her tight.

“Me too. Oh, you haven’t changed much.” She laughed as she hugged him back just like old times.

“Lovers,” He thought, “must they do that there?” Nino thought as he watched the couple hugging each other.

He continued to walk towards the vending machine but stopped in his tracks when he recognized the girl.

“Rin!” he called. She turned towards him.

“Uh! Kazunari-kun! Ohizashiburi! Otsukare sama.(good work today.)” She greeted.

“Arigatou. How are you?” he inquired.

“Ninomiya-san! I mean, SEMPAI!(senior)” Jin exclaimed when Nino came closer.

“Sempai?” Nino and Rin asked in unison.

“Yeah, he’s going to be my sempai starting today. I’m going to be a trainee here.” Jin explained.

“Eh? Hontou?” Rin asked wide-eyed.

“Hontou. Remember when I used to part time as a model? Well, someone from this company came by and asked me to come.” Jin continued.

“Ah sou, so you’ve been discovered huh. Good for you! Omedatou!”(congrats) she congratulated him.

“Arigatou.” He thanked her then turned to face Nino.

“Akanishi Jin desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!(please to meet you)” Jin introduced.

“Kochira koso.(same here)” Nino replied. “Ano, if you’re going to be training here, the session is about to start.” He added looking at his watch.

“Eh? Hontou da! Yabbai!(Oh no!) Isogishimasu!(i'll hurry on) Arigatou guzaimasu! Mata ne(see you)! Itteki.(i'll be going)” he said also looking at his watch and ran off.

“Ganbatte!” Rin shouted after him.

“Uh, wasurechatta!(i forgot)” She blurted out when she remembered what she was doing there in the first place. She went back to the vending machine and bought a bottle of orange juice. Nino watched her.

“Ano, Arigatou. The Orange juice really helped. Tasukatta!(it saved me) I haven’t seriously fainted in a while. I feel better whenever I drink this. I didn’t have the chance to tell you last time since you already went on your promotional activities for your latest song.” She said clutching the bottle.

“Yokatta.(i'm glad) You…ano…how are you related to Jin?” he asked. Before she could reply, Jin came back and called her.

“Rin! Do you know where the training room is?” he asked out of breath.

“Eh? You’ve been running around all this time? Mattaku.(seriously) Alright, I’ll come with you.” She offered.

“We’ve known each other since we were kids. I have to help him. Ano, Shitsure shimasu.(excuse us)” She excused herself and ran after Jin. Nino watched them take off.

“She sure became more energetic. Ii ne…(that's good)” he smiled to himself.

NExt chapter...

master fic list, pairing: nino/oc, fic: oj, band: arashi, length: chaptered

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