oj (4. ame, ai ai gasa)

Jul 23, 2010 23:05

Title: Orange Juice (Just another love story?)
Author: ruilian_thatsme
Characters/Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari / OC, Akanishi Jin / OC
Length: Chaptered
Summary: From a dying faith to a wishful heart. Who says cheesy love stories only happen in dramas? One bottle of orange juice starts it all. Never give up! Keep moving forward. ^_^!
A/N: there are a number of jap phrases here, if there's anything i forgot to put trans, just tell me...^^ Enjoy!

Ame, ai ai gasa (rain, love umbrella)

It was raining hard that late afternoon. She stood outside the door and watched the falling rain holding her unopened umbrella. It’s cold but the rain was refreshing once in a while.

“Rin? What are you doing out here in the cold? Are you waiting for someone?” Nino asked when he noticed her as he got out.

“Uh! Otsukare sama deshita.(good work today) I’ll be going soon. I was just enjoying the rain, it has been a while.” She replied raising her hand outside, letting rain fall on it.

“Sou da yo ne.(you're right)” He agreed and did the same.

“Rin! Great timing! Are you going home already? Let’s go together!” Jin arrived suddenly waving his umbrella.

“A-re! Sempai! Otsukare sama. Are you going too?” he asked when he noticed Nino.

“You too, otsukare sama. Umm, Yeah. We finished with our schedule early.” Nino replied.

“Are you per chance stuck here because you’ve got no umbrella?” Jin asked noticing that Nino wasn’t holding anything.

“Here, take mine.” He added before Nino could reply and placed the umbrella on his hands.

“No. it’s ok. I’ll manage. You need it.” Nino refused, offering the umbrella back.

“Daijoubu desu,(it's alright) Rin and I can share. Right, Rin?” Jin looked at Rin who was startled.

“Eh? Ah, hai. Shimpai sonna.(don't worry)” Rin agreed. Nino gave in.

“Nee, Rin-chan, remember way back, when we used to do this? Ah, natsukashii.(so nostalgic)” Jin said as he took Rin’s umbrella and offered her his hand. “Ja iku!(let's go) Careful, it’s a bit slippery.”

“Like old times?” she laughed at the thought, “You always end up getting wet though.” She said as they stepped out.

“Shitsure shimasu. Osaki ni.(we'll go ahead)” She turned to Nino. Jin did the same.

“Sempai, mata ne.” Jin bowed.

“Ki otsukete.(be careful on your way)” Nino replied clutching the umbrella so tightly.

“A-ra! Was that Rin and Jin just now?” Dita said as she got out, looking at them. Nino was startled. He nodded. “Hmm…this is interesting.” She wondered.

“Rin and Jin.” He thought, “Even their names sound alike.” “hmm…Mukatsuku!(so annoying)”

“Nino-kun, you still haven’t gone? You’ll get cold here.” Dita asked, taking her umbrella out.

“Ano, do you also know Jin?” Nino asked turning to her.

“I do. We went to high school together. It was then when I became best friends with Rin but Jin and Rin were already close that time. I even helped them get together during our Junior year.”

“Eh?! You mean they’re lovers?” he was shocked.

“Yup. Uh! Yabbai! It’s this late already?!” she blurted looking at her watch, “Gomen ne, Nino-kun, we’ll talk about this again later. I’m supposed to meet my Oneechan,(big sis) she’s gonna kill me if I’m late again. Ja ne!” she said hastily and hurriedly took off.

“Matte…(wait)” he called out but she was out of earshot already and the rain’s splatter isn’t helping either. “Hayai.(so fast)” He thought.

next chapter....

master fic list, pairing: nino/oc, fic: oj, band: arashi, length: chaptered

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