
Mar 09, 2011 22:00

Title: Ultimatum
Length: One-shot
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Yuto Nakajima/Oc
Description: anyone else bothered by Yuto's long hair out there? -^_^- okay, so it wasn't much of a description. XD
A/N: this is dedicated to my musume columbin3 Happy 18th! I finished writing this in one sitting yesterday but I couldn't post it till tonight.
Warning: unbetaed
Disclaimer: only the story line do I own.

Her Classsmate's nudge shook Maena out of her reverie as she stared at the one speaking in front.

She turned, startled, towards her classmate behind her.

A note was passed, her classmate gestured in the direction of Ayako, Maena's best friend, sitting 3 seats behind to her left.

Ayako waved, indicating for her to read the note, with a grin plastered on her face.
Maena frowned as she read,

"Oi, wipe your drool or
t least blink once in a while
even as you stare dreamily at him. :P"

She unconsciously grazed her hand over her mouth and stole a glance at the one in front, her ultimate inspiration and distraction, the class prince, the walking stick, Yuto Nakajima.

She blinked twice and scribbled her response, passing the note back after.

Ayako observed her bestfriend in amusement then read her reply.

"I am NOT drooling! >.<
and I was not staring 'dreamily' at him--"

yeah you were. she thought before continuing,

"I was wondering how long
is he keeping that hair of his going.
seriously, just look at it. XP"

Ayako looked up and noticed what Maena meant. It was longer than he'd ever had it, but it didn't lessen his popularity in any way, in contrast, it seemed to have help increase the growing number of admirers, her bestfriend included. She transcribed her thoughts in the note and passed it.

Maena scowled while reading. She picked up her pen and began writing.

"Well, I don't like it.
It reminds me of you-know, that time...
anyway, he just needs a haircut.
how hard can that be?
I'm going on strike in liking him til
he gets that haircut.  that's final."

She reread it again, doubting the last sentences but she made up her mind.

By this time, Yuto had finished reading his essay and went back to his seat, two rows in front of Ayako.

Maena folded the note and waited for or froze when Yuto passed by before handing the paper back but,

"Sheesh, can't you guys use your phones? It's the 21st century for crying out loud. I'm not an owl." her classmate complained, refusing to receive it.

Maena, both apologetic and annoyed at her classmate's tone, decided to pass it the other way.

A few minutes later, as another classmate was called to read in front, Maena felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. It was a message from Ayako.

"by the way, have you given him
the invitation already?
or do you still have any plans
on inviting him on your birthday at all?"

Maena thought about it for a while before typing her reply,

"I still do but I couldn't possibly give it to him,
directly. for some reason,
my hands turn to mud and
my lips would feel like a year old gum
was stuck onto it, whenever I try.
I can't do it without making a fool of myself."

She pressed send, after a few moments, her phone vibrated again with Ayako's reply,

"Hahahah! then how long are you going to
hold on to that invite?
It's not everyday you get to
be a debutant, you know."

I know, Maena sighed.

This time, Ayako gave a sigh as she read her best friend's reply,

"I'll just slip it in his locker
after class or in his books.
whichever works."


"Do you think he'll come?" Maena asked Ayako for the nth time that night while doing a quick survey of the people who attended her birthday party. everyone was in their formal party outfits but needless to say, Maena looked extra special in her frilly cocktail dress.

"The question is whether he even found the invitation in the first place." Ayako commented, hiding the impatience on her tone. It is her best friend's special day.

Maena cursed herself silently for that. She pushed through with the slipping-the-invite plan and now she's...

"Girls, it's time for the 18 roses dance." Maena's older sister informed them. "Mom's gone to get Dad for your first dance."

Maena nodded and stood just as her parents approached.

Her dad handed her a single pink rose and led her to the dance floor. She chuckled seeing her father get a bit teary-eyed, saying how her little girl has grown.

She changed partners with every rose she was given by mostly male relatives and friends. She was surprised however by the 18th rose.

It was no other than Yuto Nakajima but what shocked her the most was his hair.

"Hey." was all that she could utter as she received the rose.

"Happy Birthday." Yuto greeted taking her hand in his, leading the dance.

"Th-thank you. Glad you could make it." She meant that. When up til a moment ago, she didn't think he would come at all much more dance with her. Her last dance.

"Sorry I was late. I got stuck at the barber shop for a while." He smiled, in a rather impish way, as they twirled together.

"Re-really?" she stuttered again. She couldn't help staring. With his hair cut short again, she could clearly see his face especially his yes which, to her, twinkled.

"Yeah, I was surprised when your sister gave me a rose and pushed me to the dance floor." he laughed at the memory.

She didn't know whether to get mad at or thank her sister.

"Liked it?" Yuto continued when she remained silent in thought.

"Huh? oh..." She nodded suddenly feeling her blood rush to her cheeks.

"So... you won't go on strike anymore?" he asked just as their dance ended and he escorted her back to her seat.

He released her hand and made a princely bow before moving back to his table.

She looked at the paper, Yuto left in her hand and went wide-eyed when she realized what was written or rather, what she had written.

"Well, I don't like it.
It reminds me of you-know, that time...
anyway, he just needs a haircut.
how hard can that be?
I'm going on strike in liking him til
he gets that haircut.  that's final."

"What's that?" Ayako looked over her shoulder.

"It was a note I had written back to you. How did it end up with him?" Maena asked in confusion.

"It is? I haven't read it til now. that time, the girls around me were complaining already about passing notes so that's why I reverted to using my phone. I thought that's what happened to you too so I didn't wonder anymore why you didn't passed the note back." Ayako explained.

Maena remembered that too, She narrated how she passed it the other way that time. She smacked her head as she realized how it happened.

Meanwhile, Yuto was watching her with an amused expression, slightly surprised when she smacked her head then looked his way, her reaction indescribable as their eyes met.

"Drats~! is this a good thing or..." Maena's thought trailed off.

 a/n: so yeah, the title has no connection at all hahah! anyway, it was inspired by the debutant herself. hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Have a wishful heart! chu~ <3

genre; fluff, characters:nakajimayuto/oc, ultimatum, lenght:: oneshot

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