Little Helper

Oct 13, 2010 00:36

Characters: Ninomiya/OC, Yuto
length: One-shot
 A/N: Konnichiwa minna-san!  I'm particularly excited to write this. Exams were draining! Good thing I thought of this fic before the exam, ^_._^ This is per request by   bingkay_baxia  okaasan. hehe Douzo, Hope you like your Hayashi rice! XD

Summary: Rin's parents are coming for a visit but Rin isn't feeling well so Ninomiya and Yuto to the rescue! ^_._^

Little Helper

"Papa, Ohayou!" Yuto appeared in the kitchen door and greeted Nino.
"Uh, Yu-chan! Ohayou!" Nino replied, smiling at his 5 year-old son. "Uwaah~ You bathe and dressed by yourself?" 
"Hai." Yuto proudly nodded.
"Yosh Yosh." Nino patted his son's head.
"Mama wa?" Yuto asked glancing around the kitchen.
"Mama's resting in the room."
"Is she sick again?" Yuto looked worried.
"Daijoubu. She woke up early to prepare for your Grandparents' visit today but I guess, she pushed herself too hard so I told her rest for a while."
"Mama's Otoosan and Okaasan?"
Nino nodded, going back to what he was doing.
Yuto walked past Nino towards the fridge, took something and went out of the kitchen.
"What are you doing?" Yuto came back and asked his dad as Nino was getting some vegetables from the fridge.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm going to cook lunch for your grandparents' visit. Do you want to help?" Nino replied, placing the ingredients on the kitchen counter.
"Can I?" Yuto asked after a while of simply observing his dad.
"Of course." Nino reached out and ruffled his son's hair.
"Yatta!" Yuto went and got himself a small stool so he could reach the counter.
"You have to wash your hands first." Nino reminded. Yuto obeyed. "And while you're at it, wash these vegetables too." Nino placed the vegetable at the edge of the sink where Yuto was.
"Hai." Yuto carefully lifted the vegetable one by one, "Ano, do I have to put soap?" 
"Eh? No. just wash them with water." Nino replied looking over his shoulder as he placed a pot on the stove.
"Owarimashitta!" Yuto exclaimed after a while.
When Nino turned towards Yuto, he can't help but laugh seeing his son's face dripping with water splashes.
"Arigatou! Youko ganbatta ne." he patted Yuto's head, "Good thing you remembered  to use an apron." Nino chuckled, looking at the splashed-filled apron that reached down well below Yuto's feet. "You'll trip with that on. You can take that off now." he said grabbing a towel and wiping Yuto's face dry and helping him remove the apron.
"What are we doing next?" Yuto asked enthusiastically when he's all dried up.
"I'm going to cook them while you pass the ingredients to me." Nino said keeping Yuto at a safe distance from the boiling pot.
Yuto looked at all the ingredients in front of him and nodded.
The two continued cooking. Nino occasionally teaches Yuto which ingredient is which.
"Yosh!" Nino exclaimed after tasting it one last time.
"It's done?" Yuto stood on tiptoes while craning his neck, trying to see inside the pot.
"Sou yo. Here have a taste." Nino blew on the spoon of sauce and offered it to Yuto's mouth.
"Dou datta?" Nino asked. Yuto smiled and gave him two thumbs up.
"Yey!" the two did a high-five.
"A-ra, a-ra, what are you been up to?" Rin entered the kitchen smiling at the two. 
"Mama! Are you feeling alright now?" Yuto exclaimed.
"Hai, genki desu. I saw an orange juice in front of me when I woke up. Did you place it there, Nin-chan?" Rin turned to Nino. Nino shook his head and they both turned to Yuto.
"Hai, I placed it there so you can drink it and feel better." Yuto had raised his hand.
"Arigatou Yu-chan!" Rin kissed him on the forehead gratefully. "I drank it and I'm all better now." 
"Dou itashimashite." Yuto replied.
"Uwaah~ ii nioi. Is that Hayashi Rice I smell?" Rin leaned on the counter opposite the two.
"Sou desu." Nino replied. Yuto nodded. "Here, Let Mama taste what we cooked." Nino said passing to Yuto the spoon with the sauce.
"Mama, say "Ah." Yuto offered it to her mouth.
"Oishi?" Yuto asked after.
"Oishi desu! Sugoku oishi!" Rin delightedly admitted.
Yuto turned to Nino.
"YeY!" Another high five exploded. 
"Good work you two!" Rin chuckled as she watched the two.
The door bell rang.
"Uh! that must be them already." Rin gasped.
"I'll get it." Yuto volunteered.
"Alright." Rin stood up and started setting up the table while Nino prepared the food.

"Okaasan, Otoosan! Irrasshaimase!" Rin greeted as her parents entered the dining room, led by Yuto.
"Ohizasiburi desu. How was your trip?" Nino followed after placing the foods on the table.
"Arigatou. We had a good trip. Here, we brought some sweets." Rin's mother gave her some parcels.
"Yeah, but we're hungry too. I smell something good." Rin's father chimed in.
"Arigatou. This will go well with our lunch. Nino and Yuto cooked it." Rin placed the parcels in the fridge.
"Hontou? Our Yu-chan helped?" they turned to Yuto.
"Hai." Yuto proudly replied.
"Uwaah~ sugoi. Ja, shall we have a taste of it then?" Rin's father suggested.
"Douzo." Nino led them to their seats.

"Our son's been a great little helper today wasn't he?" Nino told Rin as they washed the dishes. Yuto was in the living room entertaining his grandparents.
"Hai, Both of you have been a great help. Tasukatta yo." Rin gave him a peck on the cheek. "Arigatou."
"Dou itashimashite." Nino kissed her back.
They heard a gasped and turned around to see Yuto covering his eyes with his hands. He spread it a bit to peek.
"Oh, You get a kiss too." Nino and Rin said together and kissed Yuto each on both side of the cheek.

end! ^_._^

A/N: Kyaa~ I'm loving this one. Dou desu ka?
Have a Wishful heart minna! <3

yuto, arashi, one-shot, hey say jump, ninomiya/oc

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