Chance to Change

Oct 10, 2010 23:32

A/N: as promised, I'll try  to make up for not updating this in a long while. ja Douzo!
Flashback: Eri thought her acting experience ended with the CM but she suddenly found herself on the same situation that got her to act in the first place.
Hope that's enough refresher. ^_._^
Disclaimer: I own the plot. I think. XD

for those who want to refresh their memories chaps 1, 2 , 3  here.

Chapter 4: Take two!

"Yukimura-san?" Eri rubbed her eyes to make sure she's not dreaming. Didn't this happen before?
"Eri-chan, You're not seeing this, Yukimura-san is really here. Now help me set the table so we can talk properly after breakfast." her mother walked by, holding a bowl of breakfast, snapping her out of her reverie.
"ah, Hai. Otouto to imouto wa?" She inquired about her siblings as she followed her mother towards the dining room. Yukimura-san also came along.
"They're still sleeping. Let them sleep longer today, it's a holiday anyway." came her mother's reply. 
Holiday? I can't even use school for as an excuse to escape. Eri sighed.
"Ja, Yukimura-san, if you would join us for for breakfast before we could hear what you have to say." Her mother continued gesturring for Yukimura-san towards an empty seat. Yukimura-san obliged right away. There's something authoritative about her voice that sounded more like a command rather than an invitation.
Are all mothers like this? he shook his head.
They ate in silence for a while. It wasn't until they finished eating that Eri's mother broke the silence and asked the producer his reason for the visit though she and Eri already had a pretty good idea to what was coming.
Yukimura-san cleared his throat before starting."Hai, Yazaki-san, as you might have heard already the CM is rather popular and has caught the attention of quite a number of people, including of course the company directors. Rumors and speculations have also been coming about you and so the company, with the recommendation of the director---"
"Chotto." Eri interrupted, "by 'director', you mean the director Ishi?"
"Sou desu, the same director for the CM, basically the staff is also the same except for some." after seeing that Eri has nothing more to add, he proceeded with his explanation, "as I was saying, with director Ishi's recommendation, the company decided to invite you again to work with us, this time, in a drama series. Well, actually, it's going to be a Special episode first then if it hits well, we'll push through with the rest of the series." He paused for any reaction.
"Ano, Yukimura-san, Is there any other particular reason why I'm chosen again this time? I mean, that was just a commercial, even the people in school have somewhat gotten over it, no offense." Eri countered, still in disbelief.
"Daijoubu desu. About that, the drama was already a proposed and pending project even before the CM project, which is of course, also spearheaded by Director Ishi. Well, it seems that it was finalized when Director Ishi saw you back then.The role you would be taking would be still Yuuri-san's younger sister." He admitted.
So that's why the director called me his new star. Eri realized, recalling that time.
"Sou dakara..." Eri uttered, lost in her own thoughts.
"Yazaki-san, You've met the director, You already know once he's decided on something, he'll really stand by it and frankly, though I had my doubts about you before, but after seeing you act along side Yuuri-san, I must say, the director was not mistaken. So, this time, I'm entrusting this to director Ishi's choice once again. Dakara, please consider this carefully as well." he bowed.
"Wakarimashitta." Eri bowed as well. Why does the producer himself have to come here?
"Eto, the staff are basically the same right?" Eri said, trying to buy some time and organize her thoughts.
"Hai. They've already been informed about you being one of the casts." came the reply.
"Eh?" Doesn't leave me much of a choice do I? She sighed. Everyone has been really nice to me...I did have fun with that... Maybe it wouldn't be so bad... It's just a special episode anyway...It's also not that big of a role...eto... dou suru? Eri rammed her brain.
"...Yazaki-san?" Yukimura-san's voice brought her back to reality.
"Hai!" Eri responded.
"Arigatou guzaimasu. You won't regret accepting this project. Yokatta!" the producer exclaimed, shaking her hand.
"Eh?!" Eri blinked hard. What just happened? 
"I will take my leave for now but I will be back later to give you the script and if possible introduce you to your manager." Yukimura-san was already by the door and making a final bow to her and her mother before taking off.
"Chotto!"  Eri stood, her hand stretched out but the producer has already left.
"Sonna..." she slumped back into her seat trying to recall what just happened.


"Hajimemashite. Watashi wa Aihara Azuki desu." the woman who introduced herself as Eri's manager shook her hand. "Well, I'll be your manager if you allow me to be. You are of course free to choose someone else." she added. Eri noticed she had a gentle smile.
"Kochira koso. Yazaki Eri desu. " Eri bowed. "You can call me Eri, Aihara-san. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu."
"Yoroshiku ne, Eri-chan. You don't have to be so formal, call me Ai-chan." Aihara smiled. Eri can't help liking her more and glad that someone like her is her manager. She had pictured someone who rather tight and strict looking like one of her teachers. Aihara-san is wearing a casual dress that Eri found cute and her long wavy hair was tied with a yellow ribbon at one side.  
"Ai-chan then." she smiled back at her manager. Manager? wow, this is really it then.  They've already signed the contract earlier that day.
"Glad that you two are getting along well already." Yukimura-san chimed in. He had just came back with the script after introducing Aihara-san to Eri. 
 "Here you go, the script." he handed the script to Eri.
"Arigatou guzaimasu." Eri read the cover page. 'Hoshi no Jikan'
"Eri-chan, I'll be driving you to the casts' meeting tomorrow after your classes. ii desu ka?" Aihara-san informed her.
"Hai. Ano, You mentioned before that I need to attend some acting training. When would that start?" Eri inquired, slightly worried of her already pressing schedule.
"It will be a week before the start of the first day of shooting. Don't fret so much about it. I'll be arranging your schedule for you." Aihara-san smiled reassuringly at her, noticing her dilemma. 
"Sou ka. Yokatta." Eri sighed gratefully.
"Yazaki-san, Hontou ni arigatou for accepting this. I know I've asked too much." Yukimura-san bowed. 
"Iya, iya. Thank you for personally coming for me Yukimura-san." Eri replied hastily. Yukimura-san doesn't look like a producer from another's view point. Eri had found him rather soft-spoken and gentle but definitely determined, having persuaded her twice now.
"Ja, We'll be taking our leave for now." Yukimura-san said.
"Mata ashita ne, Eri-chan." Aihara-san waved her hand. Eri bowed and waved back.


"Yazaki-san!" Chinen called after Eri. He seemed to have also just arrived in the building where the cast meeting is supposed to be held.
"Uh! Chinen-kun!" Eri was glad to see him. She's thinking that she might be lost after Aihara-san had asked her to go ahead while she talked with someone on the phone.
"Genki?" Chinen asked cheerfully.
"Genki desu. Anata wa?" Eri replied, his cheerfulness is rather contagious.
"Saikou desu! You're here for the casts meeting too?" 
"Hai, sou desu. Anata mo?" 
"Woah, ureshii~ we'll be working together again then. Yoroshiku ne?" 
"Hai, I'll be asking for your help once again."
"Daijoubu. Issho ni ganbarru ne!"
"Ganbarrimasu! Uh! but first we have to get to the meeting room. Do you happen to know the way?"
"Sou da ne. Kochi kochi." Chinen laughed and led her towards the designated meeting room.


The two have been waiting inside the meeting room where it seems like they're the first to have arrived.
The door opened.
Eri thought it would be Aihara-san but she was more surprised to see the guy who came in.

Chap 5...

A/N: and that's it for now! mukyaa! can't help teasing with a cliffhanger...if that's what it is. XD 
was that long enough? hmm... nothing much happened huh... shitsure shimasu.*bows* I'll do my best to make it more interesting on the next chap. It's halfway done. hopefully I'll be able to update this sooner than last time. Thanks for everyone who read this. ^_._^
o.O wow, wrote this for more than 5 hours? it's past midnight! waaah! still have exam tomorrow. @.@ tsk
Ja ne! as always, Have a Wishful Heart! ^_._~*  <3 rabu-rabu.    chu~

chance to change, chaptered, hey say jump!, intro, chinen/oc

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