
Oct 10, 2010 00:29

 Title: Peacemaker
Characters: Ninomiya, Yuto, OC's
Length: Drabble
Summary: a perfect time for a visit and the perfect kid for the job.
A/N: This is somewhat a continuation of "Grandparents", inspired by my younger self. XD
Another of my fave "family drabbles".
Disclaimer: I only own the plot ^_._^


Nino and Rin, along with their 4-year old son, Yuto, have just arrived to visit Nino's Grandparents and parents.
                  Yuto was happily swing himself up some steps on the front porch while holding his parents' hands.
                  The trio, however, stopped in their tracks at the doorstep upon hearing some loud voices coming from inside the house.
                  Nino recognized the voices belonging to his parents.
                Nino and Rin looked at each other. Nino shrugged and decided to sneak a peek inside.
                He opened the door slowly, and stuck his head in, whispering, "Tadaima". He looked around on the living room and found his grandparents in one corner, apparently listening to the argument which seems to be happening in the kitchen.
               Ojiichan noticed Nino and asked him to come inside quietly. His grandparents were equally delighted to see Rin and especially Yuto scampering in after Nino.
              Rin mouthed, "Tadaima" and Yuto bowed upon entering before running towards Obaachan's open arms. Ojiichan ruffled Yuto's hair. 
               "What happened?" Nino whispered stepping beside his grandparents. He tried to steal a glance towards the direction of the kitchen. Rin followed suit, poking her head behind Nino. Yuto also seemed to have understood what's happening and sneaked in after his parents.
              "They've been at it for a while now." Ojiichan chuckled while observing the curious trio. 
              "They can be childish at times too." Obaachan added also laughing softly.
            "Why are Pa-chan and Ma-chan shouting?" Yuto asked everyone at large, his eyes searching the surprised faces that was turned to him.
           ('Pa-chan' and 'Ma-chan' are the names Yuto used to distinguish between his two generations of Grandparents.)
            "Hmmm... sou da ne... Why don't you go and ask them?" Obaachan suggested smiling kindly at him.
             Yuto turned to his parents for consent. Rin and Nino looked a bit worried.
            "Is that alright with you, Yu-chan?" Nino asked, kneeling to match his son's height, placing his hands on Yuto's shoulders.
            "Hai." Yuto nodded and smiled.
            "Ganbatte." Rin chimed in, planting a kiss on his cheeks.
            "Come on, you two, it feels like your son's going into the battlefield with the way you're acting." Ojiichan interrupted.
            "Well, isn't it like a battlefield in there?" Nino complained.
            "Maa,maa... Yu-chan already left, see?" Obaachan pointed out. The rest of them turned their attention towards the kitchen where Yuto had gone.

Inside the kitchen...

Yuto went inside as cheerfully as he could but his grandparents haven't noticed him and continued to argue.  He was observing them for a while before he noticed that his grandmother was already getting teary-eyed. 
               "Pa-chan, Ma-chan Why are you shouting? " Yuto had stepped in between them and was looking at the both of them. "Ma-chan, why are you crying?" he turned to his dumbfounded grandmother.
              His grandparents looked at each other. Both were wondering and seemingly asking the other, ' Why were we fighting?'. After contemplating a bit, they found that they've forgotten what they were fighting about in the first place and realized that it all started with a harmless debate about something they've read in the morning paper.
              Realizing their foolishness, the two started laughing. Yuto looked confused at the two who neither answered his question that Obaachan had asked him to find out.            
              "Arigatou." Ma-chan gave him a peck on his cheek and hugged him gratefully.  
              "Gomen ne, Pa-chan didn't mean to make Ma-chan sad." Pa-chan added, hugging him as well.
             Yuto observed them for moment, "Hontou ni daijoubu?" He asked.
             "Daijoubu." they assured him with smiling faces.
             "Iku. They must be worried about you." Ma-chan held out her hand to Yuto.
             "Our little Peacemaker." Pa-chan added reaching out his hand as well.

back in the living room...

The shouting has subsided followed by laughter not long after. They strained their ears to listen before the kitchen-door opened and out came Yuto in between his grandparents walking hand in hand towards the living room.
             Rin, Nino and his grandparents hastily pretended doing something else and tried to act normal.


A/N: hmm.. what do you think? My mom told me how I became a peacemaker when my grandparents were arguing, back when I was about the same age as Yuto here and being a doted, er, spoiled, granddaughter. ^_._^ Don't you think there are times when just looking at a child seems to take your anger away? I do.
Well, have a wishful heart! <3

yuto, ninomiya, arashi, drabble, hey say!

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