Title: The Count - Heechul.
rudeminnesotanRating: PG-13.
Pairing(s): Heechul centric.
Summary: Introspective thought of Heechul after becoming a vampire.
Genre: Crack, AU-vampire.
Notes: This is going to be a 15 chapter fic eventually. This is just kind of like. An introduction, so it’s really short. Expect more later.
I never would have imagined something like this would happen to me. To me! The Big Space Star. But then again when I think about it, of course they’d pick me. I’m the perfect choice to become a vampire.
It all started a few weeks ago when I got attacked on my way home from Youngstreet. The manager was late picking me up, and being me I was busy on my phone so I didn’t notice someone sneak up behind me and drag me into an alley.
The attack was over in seconds and I probably would have stayed in that alley if Sungmin hadn’t found me-what he was doing out there, who cares, but I didn’t really want to die in an alley. That’s no way for the Big Space Star to go.
I slept through my schedules the next day. No one could wake me up, which Sungmin said caused a lot of havoc but whatever. I’m a vampire now. What do I care? When I woke up the next night I noticed the changes then and to say I was stoked would be an understatement.
I was already beautiful, but now I was even more so. Not to mention the feeling of being invincible. My milky skin seemed to shine, my eyes sparkled and those nice new sharp teeth would come in handy.
Once I was done admiring myself, at least for now anyway, I realized that I was hungry… And Beijing Fried Rice sounded perfect.
“Oh Hankyung~”
A/N:I don’t even know lol. I’m not a huge fan of writing in first person but I knew that’s how this had to start. Super short because it’s an intro.
Other chronicles of The Count found