RP for girl_ofsecrets...arrested in New York

Oct 05, 2008 19:22

Right, well, after calling Claire to let her know where to find him, the Doctor leaned back in his cell and grinned at the guard. The guard looked away quickly and walked off ( Read more... )

featuring: claire bennet, roleplay: incomplete

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its_notluck October 6 2008, 00:12:24 UTC
Claire was sitting on her bed when her phone went off again, letting her know she had a message. She had been ignoring it but now she grabbed her phone, flipping it open before dialing the number to get into her mail box. As message after message played, she started to giggle until at the very end she was nearly in tears from the laughter ( ... )


its_notluck October 16 2008, 02:16:03 UTC
"Wow." She blinked a little bit as she tilted her head to the side, thinking, "A lot has changed, honestly. I wouldn't even really know where to start. How about you ask me questions and then I can try to give you the answers?" She smiled as she took another bite of her ice cream.

It was weird to hear about time travel but not so unusual since she was used to talking to Hiro about this sort of thing though she managed how the Doctor traveled was very different from how the Doctor did it.


rude_not_ginger October 16 2008, 02:34:34 UTC
Cue blather.

"Well, most of the buildings are still around, the ones that aren't I know about. I've completely lost track of baseball, but it's like a less complicated version of cricket, so I'll stick to that. Hmmm. What sort of things do you ask about a city you haven't been to in forty years? How's the crime rate? No, that question sounds depressing. How's the fashion? Silly. How're the plays? No, I can't care. What's important in this city to you?"


its_notluck October 16 2008, 02:37:17 UTC
Well, now she knew why she got along with him. It was amusing when he started to blather.

"Well, I don't really follow baseball, football was more sort of my thing but that was because I was a cheerleader in high school. So you can't really ask me about baseball or cricket. Crime rate sounds like it's high. I wear what I find is comfortable, I haven't been to a play yet and New York is important to me because my birth family is here."

Looks like she didn't have a problem keeping up, she just didn't have all the answers.


rude_not_ginger October 23 2008, 00:24:35 UTC
"You've never been to a play, really?" The Doctor gestured a little with his spoon. "You should go! Artistic capital of America, or something like that. Certainly better than Los Angeles when it comes to stage art. Personally, I think nothing quite beats an opera in Italy. Been too long since I've been to an opera, actually..."

He liked being able to blather with Claire. Not often someone could keep up and understand him.


its_notluck October 23 2008, 03:29:12 UTC
"I want to go to a play but I've been fairly sheltered in some ways." And in some ways, she was exposed to so much by a young age. Well, especially in the last year or so. "I should buy tickets, go to one. Maybe I'll make it my new hobby, I need to get out way more than I actually do which is really never. I mean, I spend a lot of time with Hiro and some people here but we don't do much."

It was definitely a nice change of pace.


rude_not_ginger October 23 2008, 22:02:23 UTC
He took a few more bites of ice cream and talked around his food. Yeah, a little rude there, Doctor.

"Well, if you decide to go and I'm in your neck of the universe, I'll tag along. Been a while since I've seen Madame Butterfly. Still my favorite, Puccini's brilliant. Was. Is. Depends on where you are."


its_notluck October 24 2008, 16:57:45 UTC
Claire was kind enough not to say anything to him at the moment, instead she looked at her food and remembered to swallow her ice cream before she would talk again.

"That would be a lot of fun." She smiled warmly, "I've always wanted to see Madame Butterfly." A slight nod, "I want to see Rent too though it might be done now, I don't know."


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