RP for girl_ofsecrets...arrested in New York

Oct 05, 2008 19:22

Right, well, after calling Claire to let her know where to find him, the Doctor leaned back in his cell and grinned at the guard. The guard looked away quickly and walked off ( Read more... )

featuring: claire bennet, roleplay: incomplete

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its_notluck October 6 2008, 00:12:24 UTC
Claire was sitting on her bed when her phone went off again, letting her know she had a message. She had been ignoring it but now she grabbed her phone, flipping it open before dialing the number to get into her mail box. As message after message played, she started to giggle until at the very end she was nearly in tears from the laughter.

Rubbing her side, she rolled off the bed and grabbed her purse as well as a jacket. She figured out which cop station he had to have been taken to if he had been anywhere near Times Square or at least that was where she would check first. Tugging her jacket on, she called out to Adam and Peter, letting them know that she was heading out before she left.

When she got to the cop station, she found someone eventually who took her downstairs after she explained that she had an friend who was suffering from dementia and he had walked out of the house when she wasn't looking. Who was she? She was a friend of the family who was helping to look after him when she had the free time.

They brought her to his cell before moving back. Walking up to the bars, she smirked a little, "Doc, are you okay?" She curled her fingers around the bars, watching him as he looked rather uncomfortable on the bed.


rude_not_ginger October 6 2008, 00:51:02 UTC
Claire? Claire! The Doctor hopped off the bed---wincing only slightly at the twinge in his back---and rushed over to the bars.

"It wasn't my fault," he promised, leaning towards the bars to whisper the words. "Misdirection with the TARDIS. Glad you got my message, though. You know they only give you one phone call? One! If I had a Venusian lawyer I'd need at least four to talk to all of its heads."

Dementia? Well, if the guards weren't sure before...

"Sorry. For bringing you out here like this."


its_notluck October 6 2008, 01:11:02 UTC
Claire smiled more as he rushed over to her and she tilted her head, giggling softly. If she didn't believe before that she had to have one of the strangest lives, she certainly did now. Or at least that she had some very interesting friends. "See, you're lucky, I only have one head."

Turning a bit, she smiled at the guards, "Look, I'm sorry that he caused so much trouble but can you release him? I need to get him back so I can get him his medication. If he doesn't have it, he'll get really out of it and then he'll get sick."

"Seriously, it can get gross." She nodded, giving them a wide eyed look as she hoped that they would buy it.


rude_not_ginger October 6 2008, 01:20:23 UTC
"Yeah, it's not pretty. And I had a banana milkshake earlier so it'll probably be yellow and----"

There was a buzz over the radio, then the guard opened the door and handed him his jacket, psychic paper, and screwdriver.

"Brilliant! Careful with that, Janis Joplin gave me that coat."

He took Claire's hand---after all, she was supposed to be taking care of him---and started out of the precinct.


its_notluck October 6 2008, 01:23:08 UTC
Claire wrinkled her nose as the Doctor started to paint an image of what he had and what it would look like if he got sick. "I would like to be spared of that, I hate bananas. That's totally why you snuck off, wasn't it?" She gives him a little look.

Taking his hand, she walked with him as they went back upstairs and started out of the precinct. Giggling softly, she glanced back over her shoulder and then looked up at him, "I'm sorry I had to paint you as crazy." She whispered.

"Are you doing okay though? They didn't hurt or anything, did they?"


rude_not_ginger October 6 2008, 02:16:53 UTC
"Oooooh, roughed me up a bit," he said, glancing back over his shoulder. "But I'm an alien in New York. Can't expect much more than that. And do you hear a British accent? Apparently people hear a British accent. Odd, that. Should work on something more American while I'm here."

He practiced a few words (mostly 'banana' and 'doctor') with an American accent, then gave up.

"The real problem now is getting back to the TARDIS. They've got it in lockup as evidence. Since I can't prove it's mine, I'll have to think of something." He grinned at Claire. "But I've got ways. And how are you?"


its_notluck October 6 2008, 02:25:32 UTC
"Very badly?" She worried a moment and then she chuckled, "Well, they probably didn't believe you were an alien. But yes, you do have a British accent." Then she caught on, "Oh, if you said you were an alien at all, they would have thought that you meant you moved to this country illegally."

As he practiced a few words, she giggled a little.

"I'm doing a lot better than you." She nodded her head, "Just been doing a little of this and a little of that, looking forward to ice cream." Motions down a street, "There is a little ice cream shop not far from here."


rude_not_ginger October 10 2008, 00:12:32 UTC
"Maybe that explains the INS documents they kept trying to get me to fill out. Well, I wouldn't sign anything without my lawyer. Considering my lawyer's in 2344, that'll be awfully difficult for them."

The Doctor was quite pleased with himself. Oh, and ice cream! Ever seen a 900-year-old Time Lord bounce in anticipation? Well, brace for bounceage.

"Oh, brilliant! Now, strawberry cheesecake in ice cream? That's two great tastes that most probably taste great together!"

OOC: I'm so sorry for the long delay!


its_notluck October 12 2008, 05:59:55 UTC
"Yes, that would explain it. They would have tried shipping you off somewhere." She laughed, then glanced at him, "The lawyer from Venus?" She was trying to keep up.

She watched him bounce, amused by it. She didn't mind the hyper, it was fun! Especially if it was a 900-year-old Time Lord.

"Yes, strawberry cheesecake in ice cream. It has to be the best thing ever!" She nodded, leading him to the ice cream shop and inside as she smiled at him, "Seriously, I want to eat it every day." She chuckled as she moved to the counter.

OOC: No problem!


rude_not_ginger October 12 2008, 17:47:59 UTC
"Well, if they infused it with enough proteins and vitamins, I don't think it would be too terrible as a meal substitute. But every day might get dull. Have to have variety, it's the spice of some sort of dish that is equivalent to life---I think, I've never quite got that saying."

The Doctor stood on his tiptoes and looked over the counter at the array of toppings, ice creams, and cones. So much variety. He had no idea where to start. Should he get a cake cone? A waffle cone? Dipped in chocolate? So many choices!


its_notluck October 13 2008, 17:47:05 UTC
"Well, that's the point of the different flavors of ice cream, then you could have something different every day. If they infused it with proteins and vitamins, I'd eat ice cream all the time. Or cupcakes...or waffles." She thought about it for a moment before chuckling, "There are a lot of sayings that I don't get. Wait, do you mean variety is the spice of life?"

Standing at the counter, she looked at the menu and then glanced over at him, "I usually get it in the waffle bowl with sprinkles." She nodded, not sure if that would help him or not.


rude_not_ginger October 15 2008, 22:05:31 UTC
At her words, the Doctor's eyes got a little wide. "With sprinkles on the bowl? Oh, yes." He turned to the man behind the counter. "And strawberry cheesecake ice cream. And a banana. No, just a banana. Not in the ice cream."

He bounced a little in place, which made the man behind the counter nervous as he handed him a bowl chock-full of sugar.

"Thank you!"


its_notluck October 15 2008, 22:24:09 UTC
Claire lifted her brows a little bit and she started to giggle a little as she watched the Doctor get rather excited about the idea of sprinkles. She wondered if it was really a good idea to give him more sugar but she wasn't sure that she could tell him no. When he ordered the banana, she blinked and then chuckled before ordering herself a waffle bowl of strawberry shortcake ice cream with sprinkles. No banana.

After they got their ice cream, she paid for them both and then lead him to a table. Sliding into one side, she smiled over at him as she waited for him to take his first bite.

"So what do you think?"


rude_not_ginger October 15 2008, 22:33:41 UTC
As they headed to the table the Doctor swiped a little of the ice cream with his forefinger and licked it off. Delicious? Delicious!

He grinned madly. "Oh, this is wonderful. And healthy! Strawberries, banana, cake...well, not the cake, but there's no harm in indulging a little. Especially because we can't eat it every day."

He took a few happy bites of ice cream. "So! What's new in this era? Besides the cots in jail cells, that is."


its_notluck October 15 2008, 23:21:40 UTC
Smiling as she dug into her treat, she scooped some up onto her spoon and took a bite. She loved her ice cream, she always had and it was one of her weaknesses. "Are you sure that we can't? Because I would eat ice cream every day."

"Uh, I guess a lot?" She asked with a little blink and then she chuckled, "What era were you last familiar with?"


rude_not_ginger October 16 2008, 00:52:55 UTC
"Well, I haven't been to the New York area since...um...1965, I think was the last linear time I was here. I was actually here in the teens about four years ago. But that's a bouncing-about in time."

It was rather freeing, being able to just talk about time travel again. He'd been companionless for so long now he was beginning to forget what it was like to have real interactions that didn't involve running.


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