(FIC)SPN_It's Moving....

Dec 13, 2012 16:49

Title: It’s Moving…
Prompt: What’s in the bag?
Bonus? N
Word Count: 249
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: CW Supernatural
Pairings (if any) Sam/Gabriel
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): Nope
Author’s Note: Written for the Writerverse Challenge
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural in any way.

Summary: Gabriel hands Sam a bag.


“Here you go Sammy.” )

character: sam winchester, word count: 100-500, type: fan fiction, fandom: cw supernatural, character: gabriel, challenge: writerverse

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Comments 2

mihnn December 15 2012, 17:24:35 UTC
I don’t know why, but I can’t imagine anyone calling Sam ‘Sammy’ except for Dean. It’s a sweet way to show endearment, so that’s adorable. I especially like the inclusion of the angel. How very fitting in a very Supernatural way. ;D

Also, I think you meant, ‘Merry Christmas, Sammy”, right? :D


rubystandish December 16 2012, 17:53:11 UTC
Ops, how did I miss that? Thank you for pointing it out to me.

It took me awhile to see anyone else calling Sam that as well but then I read so many where Castiel and Gabriel would call him 'Sammy' that now I can't have them calling him anything else. I still have him correcting other people though in my other stories. @_@

Thank you very much for the review.


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