[ACCIDENTAL VIDEO] Humpty Dumpty went to town, Humpty Dumpty tore his gown

Nov 24, 2011 02:33

(OOC: WARNING. There is some gore up in here. :| )

[--CLACK!!![The pocket watch falls from it's owner's pocket and clatters onto the stone ground. The impact somehow managing to activate the device. The first thing you might notice? That's right, you're looking up at +1 Elliot Nightray... covered in blood. He doesn't seem to remember how he got so ( Read more... )

elliot nightray, c: liechtenstein

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Comments 107

[Video] brotherxcomplex November 24 2011, 07:42:56 UTC
E-Elliot! Are you alright? O-of course you're not...

[ Lili couldn't help but stare in shock herself, trembling at the sight of so much blood. Headless... zombies, after all of this is over she was sure she'll need a good long break. But there was something more important, was Elliot alright? Was he hurt? She couldn't spit out any words at all, just staring for a good amount of time.


Where are you?


[Video] tsunray November 24 2011, 23:07:58 UTC
[It takes quite some time for a response to come. But when it finally does, Elliot's seems to have found his way out of the alley way. He stumbles, still grasping his shirt over his heart, breath heavy.]

Don't... Don't worry about me. You stay inside where it's safe... where it should be safe. Far away from me. Especially now that-- [Now that The Head Hunter is here.]


[Video] brotherxcomplex November 25 2011, 05:40:25 UTC
Far away from you...?

I'm sorry, I can't leave you like that... you're my friend.

[ She only stayed still for as long as to tell where he was, and at the moment she could she almost jumped out of her chair, ignoring the slight pain coming from her leg. ]

Don't get hurt.

[ She picked up a few things with her; first aid kit, a weapon or too, one that might just be to big for her to carry. And off she went, right out the door and right to where she could tell he is. ]


[Video] tsunray November 25 2011, 05:59:11 UTC
Lili...! Wait! What are you--!?

[Ah dammit, she's already gone. Elliot's so frustrated that what does he do? He turns around and punches the side of the building he's next to. Which... consequently scrapes up his knuckles quite a bit, but nothing too serious. It's then, however, that he notices his wrist has been hurting for quite some time now. He'll mutter a few curses under his breath while holding onto his injured hand, looking around to see if any more zombies are close.]


[Video] honourboy November 24 2011, 08:38:08 UTC
Try to pull yourself together. Where are you?


[Video] tsunray November 24 2011, 23:11:29 UTC
[Elliot's still confused, who is this talking to him? He doesn't know but, he can't bother himself with details at the moment.]

I-I... That doesn't matter. Right now I ... I have to find Gilbert!

[Never mind that he can barely walk, his legs, they are failing him.]


[Video] honourboy November 24 2011, 23:17:47 UTC
Of course it does. In your condition...

[He pauses slightly.]

Gilbert is a friend of you, right? It will be easier to find him if somebody helps you.


[Video] tsunray November 24 2011, 23:37:57 UTC
He's not my friend! He's my BROTHER!!!


And he's more important than I am right now!


[Video] loyalraven November 24 2011, 23:45:34 UTC
[...Gilbert's eyes are wide. He knows what's going on here, better than he wants to. He can feel his heart wrench in his chest a bit.] Elliot!?

Elliot where are you?!


[Video] tsunray November 25 2011, 00:03:56 UTC

[There's a brief moment of relief. Comfort in knowing that Gilbert is okay, alive even. Before the fear settles back in. That nagging worry at the back of his mind that at any moment something could happen, even though something already did.]

I-I'm outside. [Obviously] I was just trying to get back to my apartment... when... [again, obvious.]


[Video] loyalraven November 25 2011, 00:42:36 UTC
I'm coming to find you. [No hesitating, no stuttering, no arguments that he plans on taking on this point. For all Gilbert's usual flustering and uncertainty where his youngest sibling is concerned, he's a little determined at the moment.]

Are you near your apartment?

[He already has scooped up his gun and his communicator and he's on his way already.]


[Video] tsunray November 25 2011, 02:41:47 UTC
[It's the lacking usual failbert attitude that takes Elliot off guard. He blinks, surprised and staring at the communicator at a loss for words... before suddenly frowning and resuming his tsundere ways.]

Don't be stupid!! You need to stay inside!


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