[ACCIDENTAL VIDEO] Humpty Dumpty went to town, Humpty Dumpty tore his gown

Nov 24, 2011 02:33

(OOC: WARNING. There is some gore up in here. :| )


[The pocket watch falls from it's owner's pocket and clatters onto the stone ground. The impact somehow managing to activate the device. The first thing you might notice? That's right, you're looking up at +1 Elliot Nightray... covered in blood. He doesn't seem to remember how he got so bloody but... oh well. Oh right, there's blood pretty much everywhere. The alleyway the boy is standing in is splattered in blood, both on the walls and the ground.

Elliot's expression is 100% horror stricken. You can't see the scene in front of him yet, but surely you can figure out it's not pretty by the look on his face. ...and there's also the blood that's everywhere, too. Wordlessly the Nightray drops to his knees, his eyes faltering down to his bloodstained clothing. He wants to speak. He want's to shout! But he can't do either of those things. He's in a complete state of shock. Then, without warning, the name slips from his lips in a harsh whisper-]

H-Head Hunter...

[He's trembling, uncontrollably so. Looking not at all like the well put together young noble most knew. He grips at his chest, trying his best to calm himself ... Before finally taking notice of the recording pocket watch, hastily making a grab for it to turn it off. Only, he's not good with technology, so he'll fumble with it a bit while cursing under his breath. In the meantime, enjoy the not so lovely view of several decapitated zombies! Yeah, that's what Elliot's been staring at this whole damned time. Told you it wasn't pretty.]

elliot nightray, c: liechtenstein

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