[ Action / Video ]

Nov 23, 2011 18:27

[Okay, so when she said she wanted excitement all that time ago? This wasn't exactly what she meant, though it IS pretty exciting none the less. She is, however, avoiding most of the action by flying convienently overhead of the zombies below. Just barely out of reach, she's heads towards the park, with a more than slightly amused smirk on her face ( Read more... )

vriska serket

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Comments 33

[action] skirtwearing November 24 2011, 00:40:07 UTC
[Well, this...had not gone as planned.]

[Gil's "stay locked inside his apartment and wait it out" plan had been going swimmingly! Until he had run out of food, anyway. But, hey, he was a dhampir, right? That meant he was fast, so surely he could outrun some shuffly slow zombies and get back from the store unscathed, right?]

[Yeah, no. There had been more than he had anticipated, and when he was weighed down with bags of food... Well. Though he had avoided being bitten by anything, they had still successfully managed to...chase him up a tree. So, there he is, crouched on a sturdy branch with the one bag of food he had managed to hold onto clutched to his chest, safely out of reach of the undead horde but with no way to safely get down and navigate his way back to his apartment.]


8estintentions November 24 2011, 07:43:57 UTC
[She doesn't notice the tiny looking human in the tree at first, but when she does? She laughs. It's an amused sound, but likely isn't exactly what Gil wants to hear from the only person around that's not a zombie.

Out of curiosity she flits over, her arms crossed once she gets close. Still laughing, she tosses some hair over her shoulder and peers at the... girl? In the tree.]

I'm pretty sure that's NOT the best place for you to be right now! You didn't really think things through, did you?


skirtwearing November 26 2011, 21:01:32 UTC
[Nope, someone laughing at his predicament is pretty much the last thing he's in the mood for at the moment. He glances up in the direction the sound came from and responds with what is supposed to be a fierce scowl, lips automatically curling back over his teeth in a way that would show off his fangs if he had them extended at the moment. The expression isn't nearly as impressive as he would like, though, given that he looks more or less like a teenage girl-and a delicate one, at that ( ... )


8estintentions November 26 2011, 23:56:41 UTC
[She laughs again.] Good job getting yourself into a shitty situation then! You have no one to blame but yourself! [Obviously she's not all that worried about offending the girl, whoever she is. You're not intimidating at ALL Gil. Throwing anything at her isn't really going to help your plight either.]

[She watches Gil for a moment, and then the zombies before glancing back up to Gil.]

It looks like you need soooooooomeone to rescue you! But I haven't seen anyone around who could do such a thing. You're really in a fix. [Vriska you're going to hell.]


[video] l1br4tor November 24 2011, 03:43:06 UTC
Vriska I do not think it is a good idea to play around like that. They are not formidable on their own but there are large groups of them out there. [She's not concerned, nope, not at all. She's actually irritated, yes that's it, because Vriska is being stupid and putting herself in danger!]


8estintentions November 24 2011, 09:41:48 UTC
[Oh wait, what's this? There's a dramatic roll of her eyes in response. Oh come ON Terezi.]

Oh, what's this? Are you actually trying to give me advice, Terezi? The last thing I have to worry about is a group of slow, shambling dead humans that can't even reach me!

Besides. It's really kind of dull sitting around doing nothing. I'm dying of boredom. It's hard going from having all of the things to do to having absolutely nothing to do. Don't tell me I can't even entertain myself!


l1br4tor November 24 2011, 18:22:58 UTC
Is getting yourself killed really worth being entertained!? I am sure there is something else you could be doing! Like not playing around with danger like a stupid wriggler! This is not a game. If you are bitten then you will become one of those mindless idiots! Is that really a chance you want to take?


8estintentions November 26 2011, 23:57:05 UTC
You have goooooooot to be kidding! Like I would actually be stuuuuuuuupid enough to get caught by those things! You have nothing to worry about Terezi. I don't plan on getting turned into one of these walking dead idiots! They can't even reach me!

I'm really kind of flattered you're concerned about me though. Wow. Completely and totally unexpected. If you know what's best for me what exactly do you suggest I doooooooo?


[Action] martin_sorvat November 24 2011, 23:15:52 UTC
That's um, pretty big headed of you, Vriska.

[Said with a small, cocky smile. Tavros sits on a rooftop nearby where she's floating, he had heard her talking to herself, or well, the watch, which he can see now. Which is good, because he always thought she kind of spoke to herself like that? And just hoped...she didn't, because, that's be so weird. But the watch reassuring him that she did NOT narrate her actions like some action movie or something.]

Zombies are pretty... ruthless and stuff, especially because there's a lot of them! It's not really nice to make fun of anyone, uhh, anyone who's having problems with them.


8estintentions November 26 2011, 23:57:20 UTC
[That's Vriska for you, the picture of bigheaded and abrasive. Once she pinpoints where Tavros' voice is coming from she turns and shifts her attention over there. She rolls her eyes and lifts her hands in a dramatic shrug.]

I don't have a reason to be nice to these idiots! Most of them are off getting themselves into stupid situations. That's not my fault! Why would I want to be nice to any of them anyway? I'm not exactly a nice troll!


martin_sorvat November 27 2011, 01:40:03 UTC
You could try to be a nice troll, maybe? Something like that anyway, like, a little nicer... I don't think you're uh, really capable of being a nice troll, but you might be capable of doing some nice things here and there.

[A pause, and then a frown and scrunch of his nose.]



8estintentions November 27 2011, 02:08:55 UTC
I'll be nice if I have a reaaaaaaaason to! But it's just too easy to make fun of people when they're being really stupid!

And of course I can do nice things. I did rescue someone earlier! They were stuck in a tree with nowhere to go. It was kind of funny at first. But I did help them out.

[And since they're having this wonderful little heart to heart ._. She flutters over and lands lightly on the rooftop near where Tavros is sitting, safely out of reach of the zombies.]

What exactly are YOU doing out here anyway?


audio. hashrap November 26 2011, 13:49:35 UTC
Wow, shut the fuck up.

[ crunch. that would be dave strider breaking skulls with a pipe. ]


8estintentions November 26 2011, 23:57:46 UTC
Huh? Whaaaaaaaat? I'm sorry, I didn't exactly hear you that well. Did you REALLY just tell me to shut up? Why should I bother listening to you exactly?

[she laughs, really who are you kidding?]


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