[ Action / Video ]

Nov 23, 2011 18:27

[Okay, so when she said she wanted excitement all that time ago? This wasn't exactly what she meant, though it IS pretty exciting none the less. She is, however, avoiding most of the action by flying convienently overhead of the zombies below. Just barely out of reach, she's heads towards the park, with a more than slightly amused smirk on her face ( Read more... )

vriska serket

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skirtwearing November 26 2011, 21:01:32 UTC
[Nope, someone laughing at his predicament is pretty much the last thing he's in the mood for at the moment. He glances up in the direction the sound came from and responds with what is supposed to be a fierce scowl, lips automatically curling back over his teeth in a way that would show off his fangs if he had them extended at the moment. The expression isn't nearly as impressive as he would like, though, given that he looks more or less like a teenage girl-and a delicate one, at that.]

[The gray skin and horns are more than a little odd, but it wasn't like they were really any odder than anything else he had encountered since arriving here. And, besides, that wasn't exactly the important thing to be worrying about at the moment. When she speaks, he clutches the bag in his arms tighter to his chest, briefly wondering if he could bean her in the head with one of the cans of soup he's carrying.]

[No, no, now is the time for unity and working together. Plus, he'd really like to get back to his apartment with as much food as possible. So, no throwing things. He smooths his expression out as much as he can before replying.] ...I didn't think there would be so many. [His tone is somewhat grudging. What, admit he didn't think his cunning plan all the way through? Never.]


8estintentions November 26 2011, 23:56:41 UTC
[She laughs again.] Good job getting yourself into a shitty situation then! You have no one to blame but yourself! [Obviously she's not all that worried about offending the girl, whoever she is. You're not intimidating at ALL Gil. Throwing anything at her isn't really going to help your plight either.]

[She watches Gil for a moment, and then the zombies before glancing back up to Gil.]

It looks like you need soooooooomeone to rescue you! But I haven't seen anyone around who could do such a thing. You're really in a fix. [Vriska you're going to hell.]


skirtwearing November 27 2011, 00:08:44 UTC
[...Okay rethinking that "not throwing things" plan now. Maybe if he hits her hard enough she'll fall and then the zombies will be distracted by trying to eat her instead and he can use the moment to escape? Yes, that is probably a thing he could manage. He will make that his last resort, though, because right now this is the only person around who might actually, you know, be able to help him.]

[So, when she taunts him, he just sighs.] Do you want me to beg or something?


8estintentions November 27 2011, 00:12:56 UTC
[Oh Gil, who are you kidding, you don't REALLY want to throw cans at her. ... Well, no, it's pretty justified if you did.]

What if I did? [She flips some hair over her shoulder as she flutters closer, and around the tree that Gil's trapped in.]

But I suppoooooooose I might be nice just this once! I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything terribly important. You would really be out of luck if I were busy though. [None of the luck, Gil.]


skirtwearing November 27 2011, 00:37:09 UTC
Not happening. [Or so he says, anyway. If she decides that's what he has to do to get safe passage out of here, he'll cave in a heartbeat, but for now, he wants to at least project the illusion of having some kind of pride.]

...Yeah? [He tries not to sound too hopeful.] I- Yeah, please. Thanks. I owe you one. [He sounds a little awkward, but not ungenuine.]


8estintentions November 27 2011, 02:05:40 UTC
[You would more than likely be SOL on that front on most days, Gil. Luckily she's feeling kind of generous today.]

Well, don't think I won't take you up on that! You better be ready to pay up when the time comes. [She hovers closer, and holds out her arms.]

Jump down! I'll catch you. But try really hard not to miss! If you do I'm not responsible!


skirtwearing November 27 2011, 05:18:28 UTC
[He almost says there's not a whole lot he can do to pay her back, but he's not pushing his luck. He doesn't exactly want her to go back on her oh so generous offer to help him out without making him beg for it-or worse, go back on her offer to help him out at all.]

[He's a little nervous about the whole 'jumping into her arms' thing, but he figures it's not like he has any better options at the moment. So, he stands from his perch and hops to her with as much accuracy as he can manage.]

[If she drops him, he figures he can at least get in a few parting shots on the way down.]


8estintentions November 28 2011, 07:35:42 UTC
[Well, luckily she catches him, but not without a little effort to keep in flight. It's going to take double the effort to keep them both in the air, than it would with just her on her own. Besides, why are you carrying all of that crap anyway, Gil?]

Thaaaaaaaat wasn't so hard was it? [She laughs, offering Gil a typically trollish and sharp teeth filled grin.] Are you going to tell me where you want to go, or am I just going to have to look into your tiny little head and find out for myself?!


skirtwearing November 28 2011, 20:13:16 UTC
[BECAUSE HE NEEDS TO EAT. He clutches the bag tightly to his chest again, mostly out of reflex. He's more than a little embarrassed by this whole...situation, but he can deal with being carried off in someone's arms if it gets him away from the zombies safely.]

[scoff] You weren't the one doing the jumping. [Still, the reply is a good deal meeker than it would normally be, and he doesn't look at her as he says it. (Is he blushing? Yes, he totally is, but good luck getting him to admit it.) When she asks, he gives her directions back to his apartment. It's not particularly far away, which, upon reflection, makes this turn of events that much more aggravating.]


8estintentions November 29 2011, 23:40:47 UTC
[Right right. Need to heat. She gets it. But SHE would have been able to get food without getting her ass stuck in a tree. Something that Gil obviously had trouble doing.]

Whatever! That doesn't mean it wasn't eeeeeeeeasy! [She laughs though, flittering (with some effort. God Gil, WHYYYYYYYY are you so heavy? Okay that's a little dramatic, but this is Vriska we're talkinga bout.]

This isn't even all that far. You REALLy managed to get into a lot of trouble doing something so easy!


skirtwearing November 30 2011, 00:20:42 UTC
[Harrumph. Geez, Vriska, his pride has been wounded enough as it is, why do you have to go rubbing it in?] That's because I got this far without being cornered. It's not like I just walked out of the store and was immediately chased up a tree, you know.


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