
Nov 16, 2011 23:45

[The screen shows Feliciano looking excited and upset and quite jumpy. He looks quite a bit ruffled as well, there are deep shadows under his eyes. He is running mostly on coffeine and nervous energy.]Ciao! Did you notice the earth trembling, too? It happened again just now! I don't like it, I don't like it at all! Tremors are never a good sign! I' ( Read more... )

c: s. italy, !event, c: kanetsugu naoe, n. italy, c: leonard mccoy, c: liechtenstein, c: germany, c: switzerland

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Comments 206

[Video] damn_it_man November 16 2011, 23:09:58 UTC
Earthquakes aren't a good sign. [McCoy agrees. Fully. Right now they're a nuisance. If they get worse, trapped in a walled in city sounds like a bad situation.]

You're being careful, right? [Half threat, half question. He's onto you, Feliciano.] Going poking around in empty buildings while the ground is periodically shaking sounds a bit treacherous.


morethanpasta November 16 2011, 23:19:10 UTC
Ve~ [Have some shifty eyes. Careful? Well... he is... He hasn't walked into the possibly monster-infested house, has he? He's waiting for Lovino to do that!] I didn't go inside! But I have to look around. I promised Lovi I would help him find us a house. And earthquakes are never a good sign. Sometimes big quakes start out with small tremors. I'm just glad there's no volcano around! That is the worst, when the earthquakes cause volcanoes to erupt as well.


damn_it_man November 16 2011, 23:37:12 UTC
[...great.] Well the both of you be careful then. Anything looks cracked, get out. Another tremor starts, get out.

[He frowns at that.] There'd better not be a volcano. We wind up like Pompei and I'm going to be intensely displeased.


morethanpasta November 17 2011, 10:35:47 UTC
[Feliciano shudders.] Don't make jokes about Pompeii. It was horrible! Grandpa Rome was furious and sad and so many people died...

[He bites down on his bottom lip shoots McCoy an anxious look.] Do you really think there might be a volcano nearby?


[Video] neutralbyforce November 17 2011, 02:11:14 UTC
Calm down, Italy.

[Okay, just going to ignore that last part. He's never understood the relationship between the Italian brothers and he's not going to try.]

It's going to be okay. We've survived worse, right?


Re: [Video] morethanpasta November 17 2011, 10:37:59 UTC
[The Italian brothers don't understand the Italian brothers' relationship, either. You're in good company, Vash.]

I... I hope so... But it's scary! I can't help but worry that the tremors are foreshocks to a larger earthquake.


[Video] neutralbyforce November 26 2011, 01:47:40 UTC
[Well, thankfully (?), some things never changed.]

I don’t think they will be, Feliciano. Our captors would be put at a disadvantage with too big a tremor, after all. [He really, really hopes this is the case, but there’s no uncertainty reflected in his expression or tone.] Don’t worry, okay?


[Video] morethanpasta November 26 2011, 13:17:47 UTC
[He smiles as bravely as he can manage.]

I'll try not to Vash, just for you! But please be careful!


brotherxcomplex November 17 2011, 02:44:09 UTC
C-collapsed buildings?

[ Well, crap, she didn't know that one. ]


morethanpasta November 17 2011, 10:43:45 UTC
Uwah! There are no collapsed buildings, don't worry, Lili! And... and... there won't be any unless we get actual earthquakes, so don't worry, ve?

[He's lying through his teeth and that smile is a bit strained, but worrying Lili? No, he can't do that.]

The buildings actually look like they're getting nicer instead of worse... so maybe the tremors aren't anything bad at all! Maybe it's normal for this city! [Just like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are normal for Italy, which makes them no less dangerous to the people, but he tries not to think about that.]


brotherxcomplex November 17 2011, 16:59:35 UTC
T-that wasn't a real one?

[ She nodded a bit, trying her best to believe him. He is Italy, so he should know, but that fear was a bit to strong to shake off easily. But at that she stayed silent, it was true, but she couldn't see what could have caused that so it was rather confusing. ]


morethanpasta November 17 2011, 18:30:36 UTC
A real earthquake is very different. You will know it when you experience one. It's a nightmare. It often causes great damage, too. But you don't have to worry. Fratello and I have experience with earthquakes.


[Video] in_italia November 17 2011, 05:13:23 UTC

[Oh yeah. He's calm about this. That was real smart of you, Feli.]

Idiot! Idiot, idiot, idiot! You don't walk around during an earthquake, you don't show people weakness on a public goddamn network and for God's sake don't call me 'amore mio' on air! [It's made his face bright red, and he doesn't like that. But the puppy eyes... goddamnit.] ...F-fine, I'll go see this stupid house. But it's just so you won't shit your pants when we find out there's fucking spiders or some shit. Where the hell is it?


Re: [Video] morethanpasta November 17 2011, 10:20:09 UTC
Uwah! You will? You're so nice, Lovi!

[Focusing on the bright side is an useful skill when Lovino is your brother, even more so when he's your lover as well. Feli happens to be very skilled, lucky him.]

I'm sorry if I embarrassed you! I didn't think you would mind since everyone we care for knows about us already. [Which he might have neglected to mention to Lovi, but it's self-explanatory, isn't it? Of course he would want to share his joy!] Feli coos at a sudden realization. Would you rather I call you 'amore mio' only in bed? Is that it? It is, isn't it? Why didn't you tell me?


[Video] in_italia November 17 2011, 11:46:23 UTC
[Can you see the steam rising from his face? That is how embarrassed he is. That can't be healthy.] ....I-Idiot... s-shut up, j-just tell me where the goddamn house is! We'll talk about this later, damnit!


[Video] morethanpasta November 17 2011, 12:54:49 UTC
[Oh wow. Lovi is awfully red. It makes giggles bubble up in Feli, but he stifles them. He truly doesn't want to explore the house on his own. Besides, if Lovi joins him, he can kiss these adorably red cheeks rather than just laugh at them and that will be much nicer, won't it?]

Oh, we will? That's nice. I can't wait! [He's got another question for Lovi as well, maybe he'll get to ask that then, too. He furrows his brows in a little pouty frown of concentration as he gives the directions. The house isn't in the centre of town, but just far enough away from it to come with a large garden. Yes, Feli is quite proud of his discovery.] Hurry up! I'm cold.


[Video] honourboy November 17 2011, 12:01:46 UTC
Have you been alright so far?

I guess the safest place must be the streets for now...


[Video] morethanpasta November 17 2011, 12:57:44 UTC
Kanetsugu! [Feliciano beams, he is so happy that his new friend contacted him again. How nice of him to be concerned![/small>

I'm alright. The tremors are scary, but nothing bad has happened yet, has it? As long as there are no real earthquakes, I'll be fine.


[Video] honourboy November 17 2011, 15:09:01 UTC
[Feliciano is his friend, of course he's concerned!]

Lili got hurt, but aside that, I think nothing bad has happened indeed. It will be safer if you keep your guard up.


[video] morethanpasta November 17 2011, 20:23:58 UTC
['Lili got hurt' is plenty of bad in Feli's mind, bad enough to distract him from the eartquake problems.]

She got hurt? She didn't tell me! Is she alright? I bet she was trying to be brave for me... She should have told me! Did anyone hurt her?


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