
Nov 16, 2011 23:45

[The screen shows Feliciano looking excited and upset and quite jumpy. He looks quite a bit ruffled as well, there are deep shadows under his eyes. He is running mostly on coffeine and nervous energy.]

Ciao! Did you notice the earth trembling, too? It happened again just now! I don't like it, I don't like it at all! Tremors are never a good sign! I'm Italian, I know about earthquakes and I don't like them! And... and... and Vash said there are cracks in the tunnel walls under the city! Earthquakes aren't good at all! Do you know what happens when there is an earthquake in a city which is already shaky? Collapsed buildings! That's what happens! I don't want the city to crash down... Earthquakes are scary! You can't surrender to an earthquake and we're locked in here, so we can't run!

Oh, and Lovi? [Feliciano brings the watch closer to his face, shakes it and taps the lense.] Are you listening, amore mio? I was searching for a house even though the tremors are scary and I found a pretty one! Ve~ you should come and take a look! [He hunches his shoulders and wraps his coat tighter around himself, shuddering slightly. Cue puppy eyes and trembling bottom lip.] Please? I don't want to go in alone, there could be something scary in there! I love you very much and you don't want your boyfriend to get eaten, do you? [A pained look appears in his eyes just before the screen turns dark. You might hear him mutter "again" to himself in that moment.]

c: s. italy, !event, c: kanetsugu naoe, n. italy, c: leonard mccoy, c: liechtenstein, c: germany, c: switzerland

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