
Nov 15, 2011 12:26

[202 had intended for this to be a nice, helpful video. Having spent a day going through her sundry books and papers and sorting them into nice, coordinated stacks, the plan had been to ask other people for help with a little pet project of sorts, with a worthwhile return on offer for their trouble. Productive. Organized. Efficient.
You know. Nice ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, c: scotland, !event, unit 202, c: switzerland

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Comments 40

[Video] only1highlander November 15 2011, 19:00:36 UTC
Eh, 202? Who' 'appened?

Ye olrigh?


[Video] unit_202 November 15 2011, 20:18:04 UTC
I'm fine, Barclay, I'm fine!

[Giving a quick, dismissive wave as she clambers ungracefully out from the pile of books, 202 takes a moment to try and compose herself.]

I just... Did you feel that, too?


[Video] only1highlander November 15 2011, 21:05:03 UTC
Aye, ah did.

Lemme come git ye, hold still.

[And off he goes, following the video feed for clues as to where exactly she was. Eventually he gets it right]

202?? Bonnie?


[Perma-action?] unit_202 November 15 2011, 21:19:21 UTC

[202's kneeling on her living room floor, still surrounded by books as she makes a determined attempt to begin reorganizing them. Hearing his voice, she looks up from the chaos with a curious tilt of her head.]

You didn't have to come... It wasn't your fault they fell, after all.


[video] frillsalwayswin November 15 2011, 23:13:46 UTC
Are you okay?!


[video] unit_202 November 16 2011, 01:39:48 UTC
I'm fine, miss Goro, don't worry! [202 scrambles to retrieve her watch, smiling reassuringly into it once she has it back in her hands.] Are you? Could you feel that as well?


[video] frillsalwayswin November 16 2011, 04:08:44 UTC
Oh, good! [Goro smiles back] I'm fine! I could, yeah- I ducked and covered. But a few things were knocked over.


unit_202 November 16 2011, 19:33:35 UTC
So long as you weren't hurt... Things can be repaired, after all, and put back into place. Actual people are much harder to fix.


(video) scalethetower November 16 2011, 00:04:39 UTC
[Naoki winces in acute sympathy as he watches those stacks of books come tumbling down.]

Beats me. Are you all right, there?


(video) unit_202 November 16 2011, 01:41:32 UTC
Oh, I'm fine... [Crawling over to retrieve her communicator, 202 palms it as she looks ruefully back at the chaos that ten seconds ago had been all but card-cataloged and color-coded, giving a small sigh.]

...Just... Frustrated, I suppose. That was hours of work that little shimmy just cost me. I don't suppose you know what happened, do you?


(video) scalethetower November 16 2011, 04:03:22 UTC
[Naoki grimaces. Ouch. Both from the falling books and how long he imagines it might take to put them all back.]

Haven't a clue, I'm afraid. There was one earlier as well, though.


unit_202 November 16 2011, 19:32:31 UTC
Was there? Strange... I didn't notice that one... Perhaps they're small enough to be fairly concentrated at their epicenters. I--Wait.

[That word. "Epicenters"...]

...You don't suppose those were actually earthquakes, do you? ...That would imply all sorts of things...


brotherxcomplex November 16 2011, 06:18:27 UTC
Are you alright?

[ She couldn't help but feel worried. Might be those cracks her brother talked about. ]


unit_202 November 16 2011, 15:21:04 UTC
Oh--Miss Lili! I'm fine, I'm fine. Are you okay? [Hauling herself out from the pile of fallen books, 202 scrambles hurriedly for her communicator. Her project could wait, of course.] Were you hurt?


brotherxcomplex November 16 2011, 15:34:39 UTC
That's good! I... [And her brother, of course, but she won't say it] would be worried if you did!

Not really, just a little something?


unit_202 November 16 2011, 19:28:40 UTC
I'm hard to hurt, miss Lili, don't worry. What about you--what's this "little something?" Do you need help?


[Action] neutralbyforce November 17 2011, 02:26:14 UTC
[The second Vash sees the books fall, he doesn't wait to see if she's okay or even to hear her angry question. He drops the communicator and runs to her house, throwing the never locked door open and recklessly skidding into the room where she lays.]

202! 202, are you okay?


unit_202 November 18 2011, 05:10:07 UTC

[202's still sitting surrounded by her ruined work, tousled by its collapse but otherwise clearly unharmed. Her lover's explosive entrance makes her jump slightly in surprise before turning a confused look over at him.]

...I'm perfectly all right, of course... They were only books.

[As a thought occurs to her she seems to startle somewhat, and her gaze travels over his form in a quick and precursory examination--The best she can manage from her current position.]

What about you? Could you feel that from inside your house? You weren't hurt at all, were you? You're still healing, I mean, I wouldn't want anything to make things harder for you...


neutralbyforce November 26 2011, 01:52:30 UTC
[Vash waves a hand as if to dismiss her worries, kneeling beside her in the wreckage. He places a hand on her cheek, giving her a more thorough look over with the trained eye of a medic first and the more shy gaze of a lover second.]

I’m fine. Your and Lili’s ministrations were more than enough to heal me. There’s still a little soreness when I move my right arm too much, but it’s hardly anything to fuss over.

[A small voice in his mind, the one that he does his best to suppress and that has a suspiciously French-sounding lilt to it, makes a comment about 202 making certain things “harder” alright before he fights it back. Vash begins to stack the books to get his mind off of its own thoughts.] What is all this?


unit_202 December 17 2011, 05:40:47 UTC
[As always, it's nothing short of miraculous for the sake of Vash's psyche that his lover is not in fact a telepath. Remaining mercifully oblivious to his uncharacteristic thoughts, she simply turns to join in--And attempt to dominate(for his own good)--his efforts after a brief moment of leaning appreciatively into that hand on her cheek.]

Just some notes... Mostly compiled from personal experiences of myself and others, of course... What we know of this city, of our captors past and present, that sort of thing. I'm not Lavi, but I'd been keeping track of things and thought... Well, I'll explain once I've got it all sorted.

[She sighs, a soft, quick huff of irritation.]


[Her tone is dry with annoyance for her own predicament, and doesn't change much when she turns to address him more directly with one eyebrow raised.]And as for you, my Vash... If there's any lingering soreness at all, you know as well as I do that it means that you aren't finished healing yet. I sorted this all just fine on my own before, why don't you let ( ... )


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