
Nov 15, 2011 12:26

[202 had intended for this to be a nice, helpful video. Having spent a day going through her sundry books and papers and sorting them into nice, coordinated stacks, the plan had been to ask other people for help with a little pet project of sorts, with a worthwhile return on offer for their trouble. Productive. Organized. Efficient.
You know. Nice.

No sooner has she initiated the video feed(complete with a polite smile in place, no less), however, then the ground begins to shake. 202 promptly topples, sending her communicator skidding drunkenly across the floor before it comes to rest against a nearby wall-- Just in time to show the blonde get unceremoniously buried beneath those formerly-tidy book stacks as they collapse on top of her.

As the rumbling and shaking comes to a stop, 202 emerges from beneath the small literary mountain looking disheveled but unharmed... And now that polite smile is gone, replaced with a look of barely-restrained, golden-eyed wrath.]

...Which...One of you... Did that.

c: liechtenstein, c: scotland, !event, unit 202, c: switzerland

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