
Oct 25, 2011 18:42

[Gilbert is having a bad day. The video feed turns on to him fiddling with the buttons on the side of the communicator. The picture winks in and out off an don for a few minutes. His face reappears, looking hopeful. And then, then the video lurches, showing a spinning view of the ceiling. In the background, a loud THUD can be heard, followed by a ( Read more... )

gilbert nightray

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(action) scalethetower October 25 2011, 23:32:54 UTC
[Naoki's opening up the front door about the same time as that thud comes from the kitchen. He has a couple of books yoinked from the library in his arms. And maybe your luck is taking a turn, Gilbert, because by the time Naoki pops his head into the kitchen, Gilbert is finished his little secret broadcast.]

Love? [Spotting those bandaids.] Ah-- Are you okay? [He lays the books to the side, striding toward him.]


loyalraven October 27 2011, 01:15:14 UTC
Well, mostly pulling myself up off the floor, really. But other than that I was trying to get a bit of housework done. [Cleaning things up just a little bit more thoroughly than normal -- which is saying something. He's somewhat particular about the place being neat to begin with. But now there's a party coming.]


scalethetower October 27 2011, 01:17:30 UTC
You're always keeping this place so clean and everything, love. [Naoki grins up at him.] Is there anything left you didn't get to I could do?


loyalraven October 27 2011, 01:36:26 UTC
[Gilbert smiles a bit sheepishly at that.] Ah, well I... mm-mm. I think it's come out pretty good for now, don't you?

[He won't have Naoki cleaning for his own party. Besides...] I'd rather spend time with you than clean right now anyway. [It's nicer. And safer.]


scalethetower October 27 2011, 01:41:47 UTC
[Naoki blinks at that, then he hums happily and kisses Gilbert's shoulder.] Let me know if you change your mind; I'd hate to keep you from cleaning.

[It's gentle teasing. The nature of which Naoki gives away by looping his arms about Gilbert's waist, hands coming to lock together at the small of his back. Nope. Not planning on letting go without good reason!]


loyalraven October 27 2011, 01:57:25 UTC
[That has Gilbert laughing quietly as he wraps his arms around Naoki in return, stepping closer to him and eliminating any space left in between them.] I'll be sure to let you know, if I get the sudden urge.


scalethetower October 27 2011, 02:00:09 UTC
[Naoki relaxes against him, hold tightening briefly.] Be sure to do. I'd hate to get in the way. [He grins, lets his head fall against Gilbert's shoulder.]


loyalraven October 27 2011, 02:04:07 UTC
So considerate, darling. But you're never in the way. [Gilbert leans his head down to nuzzle at dark hair happily. See? His luck must be turning.]


scalethetower October 27 2011, 02:15:56 UTC
Really? Never? I hope you're not just sparing my feelings, Gilbert. [Naoki grins and tilts his chin to nuzzle up under Gilbert's chin.] I can take it, really...


loyalraven October 27 2011, 03:34:30 UTC
[Gilbert exhales a quiet laugh.] Oh, I know you're very tough, love. But I'm not sugar coating anything. [Another nuzzle at his hair, eyes falling shut.] Being in your arms tends to make everything else not matter all at that much. So there's nothing to be in the way of.


scalethetower October 27 2011, 04:44:52 UTC
[In a playful mood, Naoki leaves a kiss to the skin just below Gilbert's ear, after nosing aside some of his dark hair.] Mm... [He lets out a breath of a laugh.] I kinda like your priorities. [Not that he's one to admit it often, but he likes having Gilbert's attention on him, very much.]


loyalraven October 27 2011, 05:52:05 UTC
[Gilbert can't help but laugh again himself.] Do you? Well, it's good that you approve. I like that. [Especially since he's not letting go at the moment. Nope. Not at all.]


scalethetower October 27 2011, 13:06:45 UTC
[Nuzzling at his cheek, then, the skin just below his jaw. He has to lean up somewhat to do so but hey, he doesn't mind.] Mmhm. Full seal of approval from me.


loyalraven October 27 2011, 20:56:17 UTC
[Gilbert lifts his chin just slightly at that nuzzling. So, ah, this is making him feel much better about his otherwise very bad day. He's forgetting about his bad luck entirely.] Good. You know I thrive on making you happy... [The words are spoken teasingly enough, but they're true.]


scalethetower October 28 2011, 00:14:43 UTC
[Well, hey, if he can help... Naoki nuzzles now at Gilbert's neck, breathing warmly against the skin above his pulse and leaving an affectionate brush of a kiss there.] Funny, I like making you happy, too.

[His hand moves from Gilbert's back to his chest, smoothing the fabric of his shirt as his palm runs up over his chest.] Interesting coincidence, hm?


loyalraven October 28 2011, 01:41:14 UTC
[Gilbert finds himself shivering just slightly at the feeling of that breath at his neck. He ducks his head a bit, laughing.] Coincidence. Mm. Maybe. Or it could be fate.


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