[Video / Action]

Oct 03, 2011 21:26

[By now, it's dark out, and it shows in the feed. The moonlight is just barely casting enough light for Kenshin's figure to show up against the starlit sky. He's not at home, and his surroundings seem to indicate that he's where the corn maze might have once existed. Though hardly visible, it's almost certain that his eyes are fixed somewhere off ( Read more... )

c: alphonse elric, kenshin himura

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Comments 48

[Video] armoredpenance October 4 2011, 03:00:18 UTC
[Alphonse knows that tone, even if he doesn't know Kenshin all that well outside the brief bit they've spoken before.] Ah... sometimes...

Sometimes people get sent home without warning. That's what everyone says anyway. A couple of my friends have left like that.


ishinbattousai October 4 2011, 05:34:58 UTC
[A sigh. Though if it's exasperation, relief, or something else is hard to tell.]

Mm... This one hopes that that is what it is. [There's a small, relaxed smile.] If he has returned it is better than him being stuck in this place.


armoredpenance October 4 2011, 05:38:07 UTC
[Alphonse nods a little, just faintly hesitant.] Mm! That's true, isn't it? But it doesn't make missing a friend much easier, does it?


ishinbattousai October 5 2011, 21:46:05 UTC
[He smiles softly.] No, but this one is sure he can manage that feeling well enough.


neurotic_insect October 4 2011, 11:41:47 UTC
[Another person communicating with this strange device... Dimitri set it up so that he could converse. Kenshin would be able to see him fussing with several rolls of cloth, cutting them through some unseen means.]

I don't recognize that name, but seeing how this place functions, there's a lot that could have happened to him. [Dimitri held a square of fabric up, nodding in approval of the length.] Where did you see him last?


ishinbattousai October 5 2011, 21:45:24 UTC
[Kenshin watches what Dimitri is doing, momentarily curious about what exactly it is. With a frown, he nods.]

This one is not ready to eliminate any options, but this one would like to believe the best. [He hasn't found any body at least. And he's pretty sure Sanosuke is usually pretty good at taking care of himself.]

This one saw him last when he left where we were staying. Sanosuke is the type to disappear for a while so this one hadn't worried then.


neurotic_insect October 6 2011, 12:52:23 UTC
[It's nothing sinister. Just cutting up fabric so he could make clothes for himself.]

[And what odd manner of speaking. Not many used the third-person when talking about themselves.]

If they don't turn up again about two or three days after they usually come back, you'll have real reason to be worried. The city may be large, but it's somewhat difficult to get lost in.


ishinbattousai October 7 2011, 00:58:08 UTC
[There's a sigh. He nods his head vaguely.] Mm. This one does not think Sanosuke would get lost in a place like this. This one will wait and see if he comes back.

[He does not think Sano would easily be bested by the things the city has to offer, however. Perhaps it's a little optimistic, but he wants to believe that the loud mooch has gone home rather than been defeated by the likes of the city.]


Action~ if that's okay ;3; soulsrob October 6 2011, 20:26:19 UTC
[She'd jsut been exploring--and really what was the harm? Even if she had no escort or no Agnes to fuss after her, she was still perfectly capable of handling herself and going on her won little adventures.

Which is how she'd gotten lost in the first place and ended up wandering around lost for several hours unable to remember how to get back to her place and too embarrassed to ask.

Winnie listened and watched the video though, recognizing it as quite near to where she herself was situated, and invited herself to meet the man in person. He certainly sounded nice enough, if a little sad]

Hello! Beautiful night isn't it? Little dark. [Just a little.]


Action is always okay <3 ishinbattousai October 7 2011, 01:08:01 UTC
[Kenshin hadn't expected someone to appear in the area,though Winnie's footfalls had been easy enough to pick out once she'd gotten close enough. He turns, completely unsurprised by her presence. An easy sort of smile tumbles over his lips in greeting.]

Ah.. it is nice, for an evening in this city. The days are getting shorter. [Though, he has to wonder what you're doing wandering around on your own this late Winnie, especially after the recent events in the city.] You're out late... is everything alright?


<33! soulsrob October 7 2011, 02:00:14 UTC
[The British woman stopped short, looking around as if she hadn't quite realized it was so late]

Oh! Er-- yes, of course! Just taking a walk, thought I'd come out here to-- [She looked around again, not quite sure where exactly 'here' was] This...place right here! [She gives him a beaming smile. This is totally where she meant to end up. Shh.]

I saw your veedeo--video-- thing. You're looking for someone?


Re: <33! ishinbattousai October 7 2011, 03:43:46 UTC
[Oh, Winnie. You're lost aren't you? ...It's kind of obvious, in an endearing way. Kenshin manages a soft chuckle in response.]

Mm... This one was looking for a friend. [Who has apparently gone missing. Not that him disappearing for days is an unusual thing back home... But the disappearing act would be hard to do here, considering they're contained.] Though this one is starting to believe that he may have found his way home.

[[ooc: sorry about the edit! I forgot an icon. oops]]


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