024 ‡ Action // Text // Video

Aug 16, 2011 15:28

"Huh ...."

Blonde, bedraggled hair fell lifelessly against a grubby cheek, its owner half sitting though nearly falling off the bench in front of the train station. Forearms rested atop thighs, left hand dangling between knees while fingers of the her right hand brushed across a flushed, heated forehead before drifting down past temples, cheeks and ( Read more... )

c: cross marian, c: sieg, c: reno, elena mellas, c: axel, c: rufus shinra

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Comments 105

[Text] asapphireheart August 16 2011, 21:45:05 UTC
I'm sorry, Christine was sent home a few weeks ago. I can come by and meet you, and give you a dose of Curaga if you'd like.


[Text] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:25:40 UTC
Oh. That's very sad to hear. I really liked Christine.

I would very much appreciate it, though to be honest I'm not sure how well it'll work against a killer cold. But it couldn't hurt, could it?


[Text] asapphireheart August 16 2011, 22:54:37 UTC
I liked her too.

Couldn't hurt at all. Otherwise, I can make you some soup.


[Text] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:56:28 UTC
Feel free to come on by the hospital. I'll be the one in the suit.

Soup is always appreciated.


masked_stag August 16 2011, 22:01:19 UTC
[James saw Elena's text and it pained him that she was hurt. So instead of texting back, like he probably should have done, he made his way to the clinic. He knew Christine had gone so he wanted to help Elena...if she'd let him.]


[Action] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:36:33 UTC
It was slow going through the city - which Elena noticed was unusually quiet. Or perhaps she was just imagining she had expected it to be louder than it really was. In either case she made her way towards the familiar building, stopping several times to catch her breath and rest before moving onward.

And, oh, the building looked so pretty she could just take a picture and make it the communicator's wallpaper. But the drone was encouraging her onward, keeping her walk as straight as it could. It wouldn't do good to look like she was walking around drunk when it was quite the opposite. When she finally reached the steps she stopped again, sitting with her back against the railing and head down, eyes resting.


[Action] masked_stag August 16 2011, 22:38:48 UTC
It took James a few minutes to pluck up his courage before going up to her. She looked worse than he thought and pushed all nervousness away in favour of helpfulness.

"Hey. Need a hand?"


[Action] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:48:30 UTC
I know that voice....

Elena lifted her head slowly, peeking through a curtain of dirty gold at her unannounced visitor. It didn't assist her that her hair was doing a better job of hiding his face than the tired, weathered look she'd developed two weeks back. Brushing the hair aside, her guess was confirmed as the drone clicked and whirred again at her side.

"Hey..." And there's a weak, though slightly amused smile. "Well, that all depends on whether or not you want to get as god-awful sick as I am."


premavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 22:01:48 UTC
Oh Shiva where are you?


premavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:17:47 UTC
[That wasn't a Chocochick squeak that you heard in reponse to the sudden voice coming out of the drone. Nope. Just Elena staring at the machine like it grew a second head.]

I'm on the way to the hospital. Its nothing major. [Lies! And you can hear it in her wheezy breathing and barely stifled cough.] Its good to hear a friendly voice, Rikku.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 22:23:10 UTC
I'm gonna send out another drone, 'kay? You kinda came at... a weird time. Just be super-careful, yeah? I can come with the extra drone, actually. If you want, I mean.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:41:05 UTC
....Oh hell. What's going on?


Depends on if you've gotten your vacination. I think I've got a serious cold...maybe phenomena. I don't know, but I'd rather not get you sick if at all possible. But an extra drone would be good..


[Text] sf_girl_friday August 17 2011, 04:15:26 UTC
Christine was sent home awhile ago, but I do have some training in the basics.


[Text] provenworth August 17 2011, 13:21:32 UTC
So I've heard. Does that mean we don't have a nurse or doctor residing in the city anymore?

I appreciate the offer, but I think I need somebody with more specialized skill. I'm not injured, I'm just sick and need to confirm to what degree. That and I wouldn't want you to get sick too trying to help.


[Video] wontknowtilitry August 17 2011, 18:46:03 UTC
Hello? [He's never figured out how to text on these things.]

Sorry, Christine's not here anymore... Wait, is this Elena?


[Video] provenworth August 17 2011, 18:50:37 UTC
Ah...hello? [Oh hai Sieg. Long time no see!] Sieg, its been a while.

That's what I've heard. Losing her was a real hit against the city. And yes, it is me. Sorry I'm not looking like my normal self.


[Video] wontknowtilitry August 17 2011, 18:56:30 UTC
[He forces a smile, nodding.] That's me!

You all right? Need any help?

[His smile wavers though.]

...she's not the only one we lost recently.


[Video] provenworth August 17 2011, 20:14:46 UTC
..... [Elena's eyes blink slowly. Yeah, that's not a very encouraging smile.]

I'm all right. I made it to the hospital and I have a friend with me for now until I can get somebody with a little more...skill to take a look at me.

[Elena can't stand it. That forced, faltering smile. She's trying to be reassuring, but she's not doing as well as he is.]

Who else has left?


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