024 ‡ Action // Text // Video

Aug 16, 2011 15:28

"Huh ...."

Blonde, bedraggled hair fell lifelessly against a grubby cheek, its owner half sitting though nearly falling off the bench in front of the train station. Forearms rested atop thighs, left hand dangling between knees while fingers of the her right hand brushed across a flushed, heated forehead before drifting down past temples, cheeks and ( Read more... )

c: cross marian, c: sieg, c: reno, elena mellas, c: axel, c: rufus shinra

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premavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 22:01:48 UTC
Oh Shiva where are you?


premavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:17:47 UTC
[That wasn't a Chocochick squeak that you heard in reponse to the sudden voice coming out of the drone. Nope. Just Elena staring at the machine like it grew a second head.]

I'm on the way to the hospital. Its nothing major. [Lies! And you can hear it in her wheezy breathing and barely stifled cough.] Its good to hear a friendly voice, Rikku.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 22:23:10 UTC
I'm gonna send out another drone, 'kay? You kinda came at... a weird time. Just be super-careful, yeah? I can come with the extra drone, actually. If you want, I mean.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:41:05 UTC
....Oh hell. What's going on?


Depends on if you've gotten your vacination. I think I've got a serious cold...maybe phenomena. I don't know, but I'd rather not get you sick if at all possible. But an extra drone would be good..


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 22:43:03 UTC
Somehow, a huge jungle like, grew overnight? It's weird. I ain't going near it.

... Right maybe I'll just... end two drones.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 16 2011, 22:50:41 UTC
A jungle? So, there are no monsters or anything else?

That...sounds like a good idea... Say, Rufus hasn't disappeared in that thing, has he? How about Reno or 202 or Axel?


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 23:00:49 UTC
Dunno, haven't gone in. Don't plan to, either!

Not that I've seen. I've been keeping an eye on the bossman for you.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 16 2011, 23:04:37 UTC
I don't blame you. Better to watch from a distance before doing anything drastic. Like going in there.

I appreciate it. Its good to know somebody is keeping a close eye on him when I can't.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 16 2011, 23:51:14 UTC
For sure. I've been thinking about sending in a drone.

Yeah, I figured you'd want someone to.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 17 2011, 13:28:07 UTC
That might be risky, you could lose the drone to whatever is going on in there. But better metallic eyes than flesh and blood ones?

Knowing Reno he was probably getting overwhelmed with the paperwork and so the only other person with as strong of contact with the President with the ability to watch him would be you. Thank you for watching over him.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 18 2011, 01:44:37 UTC
For sure. I'll get one ready.

No problem! He behaved, for the most part.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 18 2011, 14:20:55 UTC
Keep me updated, would you? I'm curious to know what's going on in there.

[PPpppaaauuussseee...Please ignore the coughing/hacking/wheezing.]

For the most part? He didn't give you any trouble, did he?


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 19 2011, 00:28:57 UTC
Sure will.

[it will not be ignored!!]

Not serious trouble, no. You okay?


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 19 2011, 21:01:38 UTC
Thanks again, Rikku.

[IIiggnnoorreeee Mmmmmeeeee!]

I'm fine, honest. What did he do?


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] chrysophilist August 20 2011, 01:39:01 UTC

You'll have to ask him that.


permavoice, encrypted [hacked] provenworth August 20 2011, 15:41:41 UTC

Oh, I will. You can count on that.


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